Forty- eight

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As the summer came to a close at the dalton house, a lot had changed since the beginning of the season. Shark and squid had started working part time at home style, squid was now enrolled into the local high school along with shark and was set to start his senior year in September, and zigzag and shark were still going strong despite the distance.

The siblings had the day off, which meant they were recharging there batteries for next shift they had tomorrow. And to do that they decided to sit on the couch, share a big bowl of popcorn and watch tv together.

"You put way too much butter in this." Shark complimented.

"Yeah but that's what makes it good." He said, taking another piece of popcorn from the bowl and eating it.

"Have fun getting all bloated from the salt." She teased and continued to focus on the tv.

As the two watched tv, there was a sudden knock at the door. Shark looked at squid. "You expecting anyone?" She asked.

"No." Squid said, not turning his attention away from the tv.

"I'll get it." She said, taking her blanket off and going to open the door. She was greeted with a face she hadn't seen since her junior year.

"Hi Joey.." the girl standing at the door said, holding a dish covered in tinfoil.

"Hi Jenny, what's up?" Shark said, she was trying to hide how surprised she was to see her there.

"Um, well I heard you got out of j- I mean camp.." she quickly covered up.

"Yeah, like a couple months ago.." shake responded, leaning against the door Frame. She didn't mean for her answer to come off so cold, but she couldn't help it.

She looked down at her feet, looking ashamed, but then spoke up. "I brought gyoza. My mom made it. She knows it's your favorite." Jenny said, holding up the pan. "Mind if I bring it in?" She asked, still seeming kinda shy.

Shark looked at squid on the couch, then back at Jenny. "Yeah, sure.." she said, letting Jenny come in.

"Shark who's at the door?" Squid shouted from the living room.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you had company..." Jenny apologized.

Just then squid came over to see who it was. "Hey squid this is Jenny, we go to school together." She introduced. "Jenny this is Alan." Shark said. She figured using his real name would save her some explaining.

"Hi." Squid waved.

"Hey Jenny why don't we go in my room and talk?" Shark suggested, taking the dish out of Jenny's hand and handing it to squid. "Here why don't you put this in the kitchen." She said, trying to give him something to do.

He took it into his hand. "Sure, smells good." He added on, before heading into the kitchen as the girls headed to sharks room.


Once the girls were in sharks room, she closed the door so they would get some privacy.

"Soo.." Jenny started. "Who's Alan?" She asked, trying to start small talk. "Is he your boyfriend?" She asked.

Shark almost gagged. "Far from that." She said sitting on her bed.

Jenny just nodded her head. "So um, how have you been?" She asked her.

Shark had to admit, she was happier than she ever had been, but she felt odd admitting that to Jenny when she hadn't spoken to her in almost a year. There were so many gaps that she needed to fill in for her.

"I'm okay." She settled on saying. "What about you?" Shark asked.

"Fine, debate team wasn't as fun without you." Jenny told her.

Shark nodded. "So, what made you wanna stop by?" She finally asked. 

"I felt bad I didn't reach out to you sooner, I just didn't know what to say." She told her.

"I mean, I get it. What do you say when your friend gets sent to a juvenile camp?" Shark joked, trying to lighten up the room.

"But even before that, I just felt us drifting away. And I hated it. But you were going through so much with your family." She said.

Shark remembered how when Micheal passed away, all the kids at school were suddenly trying to be her friend and act All nice to her, almost being over baring about it, but not Jenny. And for some reason, shark appreciated that. Of course Jenny and her family were there for her, bringing tons of traditional Japanese dishes to their house and showing up for the funeral, but Jenny was the only person in school who wasn't being a total grief vulture. Who didn't compare the death of her sibling to the death of there fish.

"Jenny I know that, after Micheal passed I went a little off the rails and pushed you away, but I didn't mean to. You know?" She said.

"I know you didn't Joey, and that's why I'm here. I want us to be besties again." Jenny said, sitting on the bed with shark.

"I want us to be friends too. I know things won't go back to the way they were, but we can try." She said.

"Yeah, I'd really like that." Jenny said, opening her arms for a hug. Shark accepted the hug and gave her friend a tight squeeze. Once they had their little hug moment Jenny pulled away and spoke up. "You still haven't told me who that mystery boy was downstairs." She pointed out.

"Oh um, well you know the camp I went to?" She said. Jenny nodded. "He was at the camp, and we became really close. He was even my mentor. So after camp was over and he went home, let's just say his home life was not the best." Shark explained. She didn't wanna tell squids story with him not there. It didn't feel right. "When things got bad, he ended up here. And thankfully, we were able to adopt him." Shark said, smiling at the end of the story.

"Wait so he's your brother?" Jenny said in disbelief. Shark nodded happily. "Wow, sorry for assuming he was your boyfriend." Jenny giggled.

"Well, speaking of boyfriends.." shark reached over to her night stand and grabbed the Polaroid of zigzag. "He's right here." Shark said, handing Jenny the photo.

Jenny gasped looking at the photo. "No way!" She squealed.

"I met him there at camp too. His names Ricky." Shark told her.

"You're telling me you walked out of juvenile camp with a boyfriend? Maybe I should commit a crime and go to that camp." Jenny said, still looking at the photo.

"Well, you're a little too late for that. They're turning it into an all girls camp." Shark said.

Jenny let out a disappointed huff before saying. "You have to tell me all about him." She practically begged.

Shark felt like things were just like old times, talking about boys with Jenny in her room. "How about this, we have a girls night and I'll tell you all about camp and Ricky? Hows that sound?" She asked her.

Jenny clapped her hands with excitement. "Yay! I have so much to tell you!"

"I can't wait, but first, I need some of mis Takahashi's famous gyoza." Shark insisted.


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