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A couple days after shark and Jenny had reconnected, it was time for their first sleep over in a while. Shark was preparing the basement for them to sleep in. since her bed wouldn't be big enough to fit the two of them, the pull out couch in the basement would have to do.

"Stop eating all the twizzlers! Those are for Jenny!" Shark exclaimed, shooing her brother away from the bag.

"What I just had one?" Squid defended.

"Yeah like one hundred!" She said, taking the bag and putting them back in the cabinet.

"Damn, I'm sure she's not gonna eat all of them.." squid said.

Shark turned to squid. "Trust me, she has." She said.

"So what's the deal with you and Jenny? How long have you guys been friends?" Squid asked her.

"Well, we became best friends in fifth grade when me and her were put together for an assignment, and ever since they we were practically inseparable." She explained.

"But then what happened?" Squid asked.

"Well you know..after Micheal died I started to kinda close her off you know?" She said. Squid just nodded, showing her he was listening. "But what's important now is rebuilding our friendship. And to do that I rented every chick like flick I could get my hands on at block buster." She said, pointing to the stack of vhs' on the counter. Squid picked up one.

"10 things I hate about you?" He questioned, examining the tape. "I heard this movie sucked." He said.

Shark quickly snatched it out of squids hand. "For your information, it's Jenny's favorite movies, so I'd suggest not saying that in front of her." She advised him.

Just then the door bell rang. "She's here, don't be weird!" She said, headed to the front door.

"Me? Why would I be weird?" He said, shaking his head and staying in the living room, picking at some of the snacks shark had out.

Once the door opened, shark immediately pulled Jenny into a hug, which Jenny reciprocated. "I'm so excited for this! I brought over some magazines from the time that you were away, so you can catch up on all the latest gossip." Jenny said, pulling away from the hug.

"Oh you truly think of everything don't you?" Shark smiled. "Come on, I got us snacks and we can head to the basement." She said, leaving Jenny over to the kitchen where squid was still standing.

"Hi Alan!" Jenny beamed, waving at the boy.

Squid nodded his head at Jenny. "Sup?" He said.

Jenny just giggled, like a little school girl who just had her crush notice her. "I had to hide the twizzlers from him so he didn't eat them all." She said pulling the candy out of the cabinet. "Okay squid, don't you dare come down here well we're having our sleep over." She told him as her and Jenny were making their way to the basement.

"Why not?" He asked, he truly wasn't interested in going down there, but he just wanted to push his sister's buttons.

"Because it's girl time!" She exclaimed, then proceeded to shut the behind her.


"Alight, do you wanna start with never been kissed or 10 things I hate about you?" Shark asked, holding up both vhs tapes.

"Well first I wanna hear about Ricky." She said.

"What do you wanna know?" She asked her, putting down the vhs tapes.

"What's he like? How did you meet? Come on I want all the juicy details to live vicariously through your romantic love story." She told her.

"Honestly, it's quite the opposite of a romantic love story. We just happen to be in the same tent." She started. "He was kinda weird at first. But then we kinda bonded slowly. I always thought he was just being friendly, but looking back at it he was definitely flirting. Like he always carried my shovel for me, and gave me like jello at dinner." She said. "But this one day, the day we found out camp was getting shut down. It started raining. It was almost like this miracle." Shark said. "And that's when it happened, he kissed me." She finished.

Jenny's mouth was hung open. "Are you kidding me? The kissing in the rain? That's totally a romantic love story!" She exclaimed. "So when was the last time you saw him?" She asked.

"Maybe a month ago? It was back when squid got adopted." She said. "He said he loved me."

"Girl you literally won the lottery here." Jenny said.

"Oh I know, he calls me like twice a day, and he's written me so many letters.." she told her.

"Now I have to meet him." Jenny almost demanded.

"Next time all the d tent boys are over, I'll invite you so you can meet all of them." She told her. "Who knows? Maybe you'll find your own zigzag.." she said. She didn't know how the boys and Jenny would get along, but she really hoped for the best when it came to mixing her friend groups. "Okay enough boy talk." She said.

She picked up the 10 things I hate about you tape and popped it into the vhs player, knowing that was the one Jenny would have picked anyway.

Hey I'm back! Sorry I disappeared for a bit!
Off topic, but I would literally die if yall made edits of this book.

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