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Hey guys! 

How do you guys feel about me going through and editing this story? As much as I love my story cover I think it's time to change it, as well as "foreverbrebre100" no longer being a name I go by anymore lol.

As well as editing some things that just don't make sense in the book since I never did "proof-read" it I just out it out there. 

I feel as though theres more things that need to be explained more in dept and some chapters need to be longer etc. 

Basically kinda like a whole revamp of the story if you will. 

"Who knew the bad boy could be good." is probably the work that I should be going back to work on in the now, being that this is my most popular book I feel as though it's time to "make it better" or at least better in my eyes. 

How you guys feel about that?

New book cover?

New description? To match the story better?

No more typos? (or at least way less) 

Better explaination in Jasmine and Imani's relationship as well as her brothers and Imani's?

Share your thoughts please. I would love to know how you all would feel! 

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