Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

I M A N I ' S < P O V

"Your pregnant?" Malique ask and I nod my head. He sighs and runs his hands down his face. "Shit!" He yells and jump up causing me to jump.

"Babe. Are you okay?" I ask him. I know he better not be mad at me about this. It takes 2 to tango.

"Yea, I'm good.." he pauses before continuing again "It's just... I can't believe I'm bout to be a daddy." He says with surprise in his voice.

"Yea, your gonna be a daddy. How do you feel about it?" I ask him and he looks at me.

"My baby is caring my baby. I couldn't be happier." He says and I smile. I didn't expect him to be so... how do I put this, so happy about it I guess.

~ 3 months~

I am currently at the doctor's office with Malique to check up on the baby. I am 5 months pregnant and I am huge.

We are going to finally find out what we will be having and I am so excited. Malique has been glued onto his phone the whole time but I just shrugged it off. I honestly don't care what it is he's doing.

"Hey Imani. How are you?" The doctor ask.

"I'm good."

"Okay okay, so have you had any problems with your pregnancy so far? Any pain?"

"No, I just feel fat." I say and the doctor and Malique laugh.

"Well you are pregnant babe." Malique states and I roll my eyes.

"And my boobs are bigger." I state and the doctor laughs and nods her head.

"Well lucky you huh." She says as she continues to laugh and I join in.

"More so, lucky him." I say pointing to Malique and the doctor continues to laugh.

"Okay let's get on with this shall we." The doctor says and then leaves to get everything she needs.

I look up at Malique and see that he is still all up in his phone. What the hell is so important that it can't wait till after my appointment.


"Huh." He says not looking up from his phone.

Awe so this is what we're doing. I take off my slide and throw it at him hard as shit. Knocking his phone out of his hand.

"What the fuck is your problem." He yells while bending over to pick up the phone. He examines it to make sure it's not cracked. "You lucky as hell it ain't cracked." He says and I roll my eyes.

"And if it was nigga, what was you gonna do about it."

"Bro, shut up." He says going back to texting away.

"What the hell is so important that it can't wait till after." I ask him and he ignores me.

I open my mouth to say something but the doctor walks in and I close my mouth.

The doctor squirts the stuff on my belly and begins looking for the gender.

"Is there a specific gender you guys are hoping for?" The doctor ask and me and Malique both say boy.

"Well you both are in luck because it's a boy." The doctor says and I smile. I look up at Malique and see him smiling down at me.

Even though he was so interested in his phone that all went away when the doctor told me I was having a boy. I was glad that he at least got off of his phone to listen to what the gender was.

Malique helped me up and we walked out of the doctors office and into the lobby. I went ahead and scheduled my next appointment.

When we got into the car and started driving it was silent.

"You wanna eat?" Malique ask me.

"Of course I wanna eat, have you seen me." I say looking down at my stomach and seeing how big I am.

"Babe. You look fine." He says reaching over, resting his hand over my stomach.

As soon as his hand touches my stomach the baby started moving like crazy.

"Aye, he's a little active today." Malique says and I yawn.

"Only when you touch me. Why do you think I get so mad when you touch me." I say and he laughs.

"What you wanna eat mamas." He ask and I think.

"I wanna go to Zaxbys." I say

*not edited*

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