Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I M A N I ' S > POV

Finally waking up I go to the bathroom and wash my face and brush my teeth. I walk back into my room and get ready for school. I throw on a pair of jeans and a hoodie and throw my hair into a messy bun that actually looks pretty cute if I do say so myself.

I never cared about how I looked in school. Looking in the mirror admiring the curves that my mother blessed me with. I grab my backpack and walk into my sisters' room to wake them up to get ready for school. Their school starts later than mine but I get out earlier than them considering the fact that I'm in high school.

I walk to the bus stop with my earbuds plugged into my ears. The bus comes up and I get on the bus and say good morning to the bus driver. I make my way to my seat and lay my head on the window closing my eyes. I am not a morning person at all. I hate school so much. I'm just patiently waiting to graduate so I can do what I always wanted to do and become a lawyer. I'm actually really excited for college.

The bus comes to a stop and all the kids pile out of the bus and into the school. Our school isn't that big. But not a lot of people go to school anyway so they didn't think it was necessary to expand it. Most kids drop out junior year. Me however I'm 17 but a senior. I skipped sophomore year since I did so well freshman year. So I will be graduating at 18 while most graduate at 19.

The whole day I was basically distracted by my phone. Malique and I have been texting all day long. Well sorta because he was at work so it took him a while to answer me sometimes and I was also still in school so I still had to do my work.

Lunchtime, like I said I sit by myself. Getting in the line Malique called me. I answered it still grabbing all my food.

"Hey, Malique."

"Hey mamas. What are you doing."

"Just sitting down in the lunchroom eating. What about you?"

"On a break from work at the moment."

"Awe okay, are you still picking me up from school?"

"Yes, I am."

In the middle of our conversation, a group of girls walked up to me and stopped in front of me.

"Well look who's on the phone today. Who are you talking to your mommy?" they all laugh.

Forgetting I was still on the phone Malique speaks.

"Mamas, who's that?"

"They don't matter," I say as they walk away laughing. "I'll talk to you whenever you pick me up. Bye."

"Alright bye ma." I hang up and grab my bag and walk out of the lunchroom.


Walking out the school my eyes search for Malique.

"Hey Imani?" someone says my name and I turn around and internally roll my eyes.

"Hi Jake."

Jake is my ex-boyfriend. I broke up with him because he wanted to have sex with me and I didn't want to. It's not that I wasn't really ready it's just that I wasn't sexually attracted to him.

"What do you want Jake?"

"I can't talk to you?"

"Why would you want to."

"Well damn. Well, a nigga was just wondering if you wanted to han-" he was interrupted with someone yelling my name. The person came up behind me and put his arm around my waist.

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