Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

                    I M A N I ' S < P O V

~1 year later~

It's been a year later and things have been great between me and Malique. We even had another baby a few months ago. Her name is Promise and she's the spitting image of me. Why did we name her Promise? Because she was conceived the night he made the promise to never cheat on me again. Jr is just as bad as ever. He is just like his father. Jr is now 1 years old going on 2 years old.

Ever since that night Malique has been different. I don't know. He's more caring than usual. He caters to my ever need and want.

After the beating that Malique gave Devon I haven't seen him. Jasmine said that he went back with their dad but I don't believe it at all.

"Bestie boo." Jasmine sings walking into the house. I smile at her.

"What do you want Jasmine."

"So were using full names now?" she pouts and I roll my eyes.

"What do you want Jassy?" I correct myself and she smiles.

"That better. Well anyway." she says sitting on the couch. "Whats up bestie? How are you doing?"

"I'm doing okay, just bored." I say honestly. I haven't left the house since I've had Promise and I'm just mad annoyed.

"You need to get up out the house." she says and I roll my eyes. Obviously I need to get out of the house.

"I want a job." I say and Jasmine stops and stares at me. "What?"

"You want a job? How does Malique feel about that?" she ask and again, I roll my eyes. I haven't talked to Malique about me getting a job because I don't want him to shut me down.


I'm sitting in the room just watching tv both Promise and Jr are sleep. I hear the door open and know it's Malique getting home.

I get up and hurry downstairs and I'm greeted with the love of my life and I smile at him.

"Hey mamas." he smiles back at me. I walk over to him and throw my arms over his neck and peck his lips.

"Hey daddy." I say pecking his lips one more time. "We have to talk." I say trying to get out of his hold but he just holds me tighter and I giggle.

"What you wanna talk to daddy about." he says pecking my lips and finally letting me go.

"I wanna get a job." and there was silence. Malique just stood there looking at me like I was crazy.

"Why?" he asked and now it was my turn to look at him crazy.

"Because I hate being in the house all day. I'm bored, maybe if I got a job." I stop mid sentence.

"No." he says and walks away from me, not even listening to what I had just said.

"Why though Malique? I'm bored in the house all day. Your barely ever here because your always at work."

"Because I said no. You don't need no job bae. Where the kids gonna go?"

"I think Jr is old enough for a daycare. Hell Jasmine would love to keep them."

"Nope, not gonna happen. My kids aren't going to be nowhere but here, with you."

"But Ma-" I'm interrupted by Malique

"No buts mamas. You don't need no damn job. Why you wanna job anyways. You need to be here with the kids and waiting for me to get home from a long day of hustling so you can cater to me." he says walking away from me and into our room.

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