𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛

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Toby's heart dropped as he saw Brad and his friends walk up to his table. He was not in the mood to get bullied right now, right after he thought he was having an okay day. Brad kicked the chair he was sitting on.

"Hey, Ticci-Toby.... I heard you wanted to take Y/n to homecoming" Brad said with a condescending smirk. Toby's face curled into confusion and he shook his head.

"I-I never said that..." Toby said quietly. His words making him sound weak in his attempt to defend himself. Brad grabbed Toby's hood and pulled him so he stood.

"You don't have to lie, bud, I already know what you said" Brad gritted his teeth, glancing back at his friends, "Let's go somewhere else and talk for a bit" Brad's smile filled with threat. Toby looked wide eyed at Brad as he nudged him.

Toby didn't have enough will power to fight back, so he let himself be pushed along. He was guided down the empty hallway by Brad's forceful shoves. None of it hurt, due to Toby's CIPA, but he could still feel all the force Brad used to push him. Toby was brought out to the courtyard. When Brad and one of buddies grabbed his arms and started to drag him towards the fountain, he finally started to resist.

"Wait, stop!" Toby said frantically, digging his feet into the ground to create friction. It was no use as they kept inching towards the fountain of cold water. Brad and his friends started to laugh at Toby as he tried to get away, only making them tighten their grip.

"What's wrong Toby? You don't want a nice bath? You look like you need it" They joked, pushing Toby onto the stone ledge of the fountain and dunking his head into the water. Toby made a strangled sound as the water invaded his mouth and nose. He forced his head back above the water to cough, only to have it dunked back in. He was starting to struggle for air as he was left struggling and squirming.

The bell rung and they finally let go of Toby, laughing and wiping the water off their hands with their jackets. They all quickly ran back inside the building so they wouldn't be caught. Toby gasped for air, his curly brown hair and freckled face now drenched. He wiped his face of tears and fountain water as it dripped off of him.

"Are you okay?" Y/n asked, walking around from the other side of the fountain. Toby jumped and his face flushed in embarrassment. He put his bandaged arm over his face as he tried scrunching the water from his hair.

"I'm f-fine.." He said, his neck popping to the side as he hid his mess of a face away. Toby clenched his teeth together as they tried to chatter. His bandaged became soggy and his shirt was damp from the water that dripped down his neck.

"Those assholes hurt you!" Y/n she said, looking in the direction that Brad and his friends left. Toby shook his head.

"No, no, no! I'm fine, really" he said, his voice cracking a bit as he rubbed the redness away from his eyes with the back of his wrist. Y/n's expression softened and she tilted her head.

"Why is everyone so mean to you..." She asked, her voice as soft as silk. The corners of Toby's lips curled into a slight frown. He shrugged and shook his head. Humiliation flooded his system as if Y/n was the last person he wanted to see his vulnerable side.

"Come sit" she said, putting a hand on Toby's arm to gently pull him onto the edge of the fountain. He sat next to her, his face tinted a light pink against his pale skin. He let his wet hair drape over his face. Toby bit at the skin on the inside of his cheek anxiously.

Y/n looked at the paper in her hand before offering it towards Toby.

"You forgot to take your notes back..." She said. Toby looked at the paper before taking it with a shaky hand.

"Sorry that it's wrinkled... My friends are dicks sometimes..." Y/n sighed, folding her hands in her lap.

"I-It's fine..." Toby said quietly, staring at the paper before stashing it into his pocket. Y/n looked over and took notice of Toby's bandaged arms.

"Do you need new bandages?" Y/n asked, leaning a bit forward to look at Toby's face. Toby didn't dare to make eye contact with her. Instead, he just shook his head no. Y/n's face shifted to concern.

"Are you sure...?" Y/n asked. Toby hesitated, meeting Y/n's gaze. The years of a closed off mindset faltered for a moment. Toby picked at his bandages on his arms for a bit before asking,

"D-Do you have any extra...?" He asked, his tired eyes drifting back to his arms.

"I know where some are" Y/n said kindly, standing and gesturing for him to follow. Toby got up behind her and didn't trail far behind. They left the courtyard and went down the empty hallway, towards the athletic wing. Y/n glanced around to make sure no one was looking and opened one of the closets.

The small room was filled with equipment, weights and emergency medical supplies. Y/n took a first-aid kit from off the shelf and shuffled through it to find some clean bandages and antibacterial wipes. Toby went into the closet with her and started to gently peel off the wrappings.

His forearms were riddled with small scars and cuts. His hands looked even worse, they were calloused and had small bits of skin missing. Y/n's face fell at the sight, but she didn't question it. She didn't want to trigger any bad reactions from him since he has only been nice to her.

Y/n held her hand out and Toby slowly put his arm in reach. She wiped away any grime or dried blood from his arm, then she wrapped his arms in clean bandage.

"That looks better" Y/n smiled, looking at Toby and putting the rest of the supplies back in the first-aid kit. Toby looked at the bandages with a whirlwind of confusing feelings in his head. He nodded shyly when he noticed Y/n looking at him.

"Thank you" Toby said, inspecting the new bandages. Toby paused, his mind fogging over with a sudden thought. He looked at Y/n before stepping towards the door.

"I-I have to go" He said, his voice laced with urgency.

"Wait!" Y/n put a hand on his arm, making him look back. His eyes were wide and the dark circles under his eyes seemed even darker. His heart was thundering in his stomach as his hand rested on the door knob.

"I'll see you around..." Y/n said finally, deciding to let go of his arm.

Toby nodded and left the closet, running down the hallway at a quick pace. Y/n let out a defeated sigh and slid the first-aid kit back on the shelf. She turned off the light and left the closet, walking back towards class thinking one thing.

Why did he want to leave so fast?

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