Star Speckled Skies

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Toby's feet stomped down the hallway as he dashed outside. His heart pounded in his chest and his mind filled with panic. He ran into maze of pine trees. His eyes darted around the snow scape, searching for the thing that has haunted him for years.

The Slenderman.

"I saw you!" Tobias yelled into the tall trees. His hands clenched into fists and he shivered. Nothing answered, leaving an eerie quiet surrounding him. He breathed heavily, turning his head to look around. Toby cursed, rubbing his face. This was more than a hallucination. It had to be, right?

Toby dragged his feet along as he went back to towards the school building. Flurries of snow fell from the gloomy clouds, making the windows and grass frost over.

Toby pushed open the door and shut it quietly behind him. Glancing around, he carefully snuck down the hallway, until someone shouted.

"Hey! What are you doing without a hall pass?" A hallway monitor said, walking up to Toby. Toby jumped and faced the Hall monitor.

"I was.. U-using the bathroom?" He said, glancing away. The man rolled his eyes and held out a slip of paper towards Toby.

"That's what you say every time... Just go to detention" he said flatly. Tobias sighed and took the slip of paper. He looked at it before glumly heading towards the detention room.

"If only they knew.." Toby thought to himself.

Y/n had a hard time paying attention to class. She didn't mind being late, but she couldn't help but wonder where Toby went so quickly. She tapped her pencil on her hand, watching the last few minutes of class tick by. With enough thinking, the bell finally rang and the halls crowded with students.

Y/n took her things to her locker and switched it out for her book bag and homework. She glimpsed around to make sure Maddie wasn't trying to follow her and she merged into the crowd of leaving people.

When Y/n got outside she walked to her car, fishing her keys from her pocket. She opened her car door and paused. A brown haired boy was walking on the sidewalk. Y/n waved her arm and yelled, "Toby!"

Toby took his ear bud out and turned around. His expression softened and he untensed. "Do you need a ride?" Y/n smiled, leaning on her car. Toby thought for a minute before shaking his head. His expression saddened a bit.

"No! thanks for asking though.." He said, waving it off and checking behind himself before walking away hastily. Y/n's shoulders slumped and she got in the driver's side.

"Okay.." Y/n murmured, setting her bag in the seat beside her. She put her hands on the steering wheel and leaned back in her seat. Toby walked anxiously as he turned around the corner. She was starting to get the feeling that something was very wrong.

Toby checked behind him and started to walk quickly into his neighborhood. He didn't want anyone to follow him home again. When he made it far away from the swarm of people, he walked a normal pace.

He was filled with regret from turning down Y/n's offer. His neck popped to the side and he kicked the snow under his feet. He wished he would have just gotten in the car with her, but at least he saved her a bunch of humiliation.

He walked down the sidewalk, taking a few rights and lefts until he finally reached his shabby house. The condition could have been better, but it was better than sleeping outside. He walked up the front porch and his hand lingered on the door handle until he finally pushed it open. The house was rather clean and the lights weren't on. Toby had a hint of a smile on his face.

"Dad's not home yet..." He muttered to himself, shutting the door. He quickly went up the stairs, ignoring every room except his own. It was quiet, which was nice. He tossed his jacket onto the floor and crashed into his bed, nibbiling at the inside of his cheek.

Toby looked out the window at the trees that were sprinkled around his backyard. He started to feel nauseous from just looking at the forest. A pit grew in his stomach, filling him with a sense of dread. The same dread that reminded him of something so painful...

The car... The drunk... The sirens... His sister...

Toby sat back in his bed, letting himself be consumed with terrible memories and thoughts. He hadn't tried to fight away his loneliness for a long time. It's been getting worse, ever since the accident. His chest felt heavy and he closed his eyes, letting the only thing he needed blur his thoughts together. Sleep.

The sound of a door slamming down stairs startled Toby awake. His heart thundered in his rib cage. There for was yelling downstairs, a woman and a man. Toby immediately knew who it was and he locked the door. He searched his bed for the his earbuds and cracked phone. Toby turned on some music and blasted it in his ears. The loud shouting were soon drowned out and he backed up to his window.

The snow was pouring down, covering the trees in a white blanket. Toby grabbed his jacket and put it on before opening his window. Snowflakes blew into his room and he stepped onto the roof. It was slippery, so he had to be careful. He knelt on the roof and slowly closed the window. With his hood up, he looked at the star speckled sky.

"I wish there weren't as many lights..." He said to himself, looking at the street lamps and other town lights. He imagined what the stars looked like without so much light pollution, how beautiful it could all be. The trees blew, shaking the piles of snow from their branches. Toby looked over to the treeline.

His eyes trailed down to the ground, mentally measuring how far it was from the roof. He shrugged and scooted to the edge of the roof. Since it was a small drop, he was able to land on his feet in the snow. He scooped some of the snow up in his bandages hands, crunching it into a ball.

He always wondered how cold snow really was. It felt like nothing in his hands and he had a longing to want to feel what it truely was like. He realized just how much he was missing out on.

He held the snowball in his hand and looked at the trees around him. He had eyes on the starry sky as he walked into the woods.

An odd peacefulness filled his core. It wasn't quiet, but it wasn't loud. It was nearly perfect. Toby pulled the earbuds from his ears to take in the sounds around him. The soft cooing it an owl and the howl of the wind surrounded him.

The snowball in his hand began to melt on his fingers. He tossed the snowball in the air and caught it again with a chuckle. He eyed the trees around him, not realizing how far he had walked. He looked from the snowball to the trees before throwing it as hard as he could at one trunks.

The trunk stirred when the snowball exploded against it. Toby's smiled faded to a face of sheer horror as his eyes followed up to see that it wasn't a tree. It was a figure with a blank, white face. No eyes, no mouth, and no nose. It wore a suit that looked like it was a part of it's very body.

The Slenderman.

Toby's eyes widened and he breathed heavily stumbiling back. His legs felt like Jello under him, but that didn't stop him from dashing in the opposite direction. He cupped his hands over his ears as his head was filled with beckoning whispers.

Toby continued to sprint as fast as his legs would take him. His breath fogged up in the cold. Toby glanced behind him before hiding behind a tree. The snow obstructed his field of vision and everything seemed blurry. He could barely see anything as snow blew around him like a rowboat at sea in a thunderstorm.

"What the hell does that thing want from me!?"

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