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The door swung open, and a blond-haired man stumbled in. His clothes were messy, and his hair was just as bad. He looked tired and a bit agitated. The man's eyes looked over at Toby with anger.

"Who the hell is this, Y/N?!" The man sneered, pointing to Toby as he slowly walked to the kitchen. Y/N's face faltered into fear. She didn't know he would be home so early.

"Brad, this is Toby. You remember Toby, right? Toby, this is my fiancee, Brad," Y/N said quickly, stepping in front of Toby to avoid any fights between them. Brad's face went from rage to shock and then rage again.

"Toby....? As in Ticci-Toby?" Brad said it bitterly. "What the fuck is he doing in my house!?"

A small series of memories flickered inside Toby's mind. That little nickname triggered plenty of terrible recalls. Toby's face contorted with anger, and he soon remembered exactly who Brad was. Y/N was about to talk before Toby spoke for himself.

"I was just visiting, for old times sake," Toby said calmly while every negative emotion boiled under his skin. He would love nothing more than to slice open Brad's throat and watch him choke on his own blood, but he could let Y/N bear witness to such a thing.

Brad scoffed, "So you're cheating on me? After all I've done for you?" Brad said, glaring at Y/N, who shook her head quickly. "I come back from work and see you just loving on some other guy!?"

"No, that's not what happened!" Y/N spoke back. Y/N looked at Brad, then back to Toby. She took a container of left-overs and put them in Toby's hands, whispering,

"You should go..."

Toby held the warm container in his hands, looking between Y/N and the food. His mind urged him to take the knife from his back pocket, but he resisted and walked to the front door. The tension in the air thickened as he walked past Brad. Toby felt his heavy gaze as he closed the door behind him.

Toby stared at the door before hesitantly turning away. Toby started to walk down the side of the road, wishing that he would have stayed and defended Y/N. He looked at the sidewalk ahead; it was going to be a long way home.

After about an hour of walking, he made it to the forest. The trees were calm, and the wind was quiet. The same few thoughts circled through his mind as he made his way back to his cabin.

Was Y/N really going to marry that absolute fuckface? He was so angry at her; maybe it was just that one time, but... What if it wasn't?

Toby opened the door of his cabin. The stale air met his nose as he walked inside. His leftovers were cold already, so he took off the lid and put them in the microwave.

The resentment towards Brad slowly faded into a warm feeling for Y/N. A feeling of closeness was in his heart, as one memory replayed in his mind over and over. Her hand was on his cheek, telling him how warm he actually was. Toby smiled softly. 

Toby took out his phone and opened up messages. She was the only contact he had on his entire phone, but that wasn't very surprising. He had been alone for the last ten years, and he just found someone who was actually nice to him. He had a surge of protectiveness towards Y/N.

"Sorry about earlier, are you alright?" He sent the message. The microwave beeped, and he took the food out. The smell was just as good as before. Toby didn't hesitate to dig into the meal with a fork, and it tasted even better than it smelled. Toby smiled and continued to eat, all while staring at his screen for a reply.

The reply never came. Y/N locked herself in the bathroom. Loud banging came from behind the door, causing it to rattle on its hinges. Y/N flinched away from it.

"Y/N! You open this door right fucking now!" Brad yelled, slamming the door with his fist. Y/N's face went pale, and she backed away quickly. She looked in the mirror to see that the area around her eye was bright red.

She frowned at the realization that it would end in a black eye in the morning. She slumped against the wall, sitting on the ground. Y/N felt for her phone in her pockets, only to find that it was missing. With a sigh, she leaned her head on the wall and waited for him to go away.

Toby lay wide awake in his bed, staring at the ceiling once again. Y/N hasn't replied yet, and Toby couldn't help but be worried sick. The room was deathly quiet, and the only noise was the slight wind outside.

The hatchets reflected the pale moonlight that shone in from the window. His eyes trailed to the handles and then down to the axe head. He could just imagine the end of the blade splitting Brad's skull open on the floor. The thought brought a smile to his face.

He had already killed many of his bullies from high school over the years. What was one more?

Well, this one was different; it was Y/N's fiance, which angered him to an entirely new level.

Toby's phone screen lit up with a text message. Toby quickly rolled over and snatched the phone off his nightstand. It was nearly midnight, so it had been many hours since he had left Y/N's house.

"I'm okay. It was just a small fight," Y/N's message read. He knew that there was more than she was letting on, and he knew not to push it, but he wanted more answers.

"Are you sure? He seemed angry," Toby replied.

"I'm sure. He just had a few drinks before he got home, so he was a little irrational," the message said. Toby's expression went flat. Toby knew the exact type of person that Brad was, and it made him furious.

"Ok :)" Toby replied, setting his phone on his bed.

It was like the dream he had. Y/N called out for help, yet he couldn't get to her. She would go further and further until he could see her. This time, he was going to make sure he could help her.

Toby's eyes went back to the hatchets, and he got up. There was no time to waste. He needed to go now, before something worse would happen.

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