The Helper

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Weeks had passed by when Serena finally decided to reply to me.

She wrote back saying she can meet me in the shopping district.

I told my father that I was going out to shop for the engagement dress and got some extra money from him. There is no way he would ever give me money otherwise. I had to use this opportunity.

Father already seemed desperate enough because originally Lyal was supposed to come way before, yet the plans kept getting delayed and weeks passed by. Lyal had done this in my past life too, so I was not concerned at all.

I'm well aware that Lyal was not a fan of this political marriage and he hated it just as much as I did.

A servant always has to accompany a noble lady when they're out so I took Tracy. I did not want Hael to catch onto the conversation I was going to have with Serena. While anyone would say servants have to keep the distance, Hael is a magician. If he suspects something, he might use some sort of magic to eavesdrop. And while Tracy is a bi*ch, she is powerless.

The carriage stopped in front of the jewelry shop and I got out, followed by Tracy.

"You can pick us up in the evening," I told the coachman and he nodded, yipped the horse and went on his way. Then I glanced at Tracy

Should I send her off somewhere?


She's not an idiot either, if I send her away, she might get suspicious as well.

I turned my head ahead and walked into the Jewelry store.

"Welcome," The employee greeted me.

"Hello," I smiled back at her as my eyes searched for the person I came here for.

"Lady Corvina," She found me first though. I turned to the side and saw her sitting on a VIP couch, "Good afternoon," She invited me to her table, "Come join me." She was sipping tea from her cup. High class shops like these serve refreshments for high paying customers.

"Good afternoon Lady Serena," I glanced at Tracy and she walked to stand over with another servant, probably Serena's, on the other end of the shop.

I took my seat with Serena and looked at the gemstones the employees were showing her.

"You made me wait a lot," I said in a low tone.

She sipped her tea, "I needed a lot of time to think," She brought her cup down and pointed at a pretty emerald colored gem, "I'm only here to give you a chance." She glanced at me, "You have one hour to convince me." She looked back at the gem, "What do you think?"

I picked the gem from the case, it came in a pair and it was mesmerizing and just the right size to be made into earrings, "It's pretty," I glanced at the other gems. They were all pretty but the green one was extraordinary.

I'm guessing Serena arrived way before I did, she must have gone through the catalog considering she pointed at the prettiest one.

I looked at the employee and gestured her over

"Yes?" She was fast, "What can I do for you, My Lady?"

"This," I handed her the gem, "I want these made into earrings for my engagement,"

"Yes!" She nodded, "I'll bring the manager right over!" And she went running to get her superior, leaving Serena and I alone.

I turned towards Serena, "I already told you I wish to leave,"

"Yes," She placed her cup down, "You'll need to elaborate on that." Her gaze turned sharper, "Leave what?"

I stared back into her dark blue eyes, "This life,"


"This life? As in life as a noble?" She frowned



"I hate it," I replied

"I doubt anyone actually loves being a noble lady,"

I smirked sarcastically, "Some do," I lowered my voice, "But no one hates it." I looked back at the gems, "Not as much as I do,"

"Why?" She asked, "Why do you want to leave? The privileges nobles have can't be found anywhere else,"

"I know," I glanced down, "But I hate my life," I looked back at her and before she said anything in response, I chose to speak further, "My father and my brother hate me,"

Her eyes went wide at my words but I knew I had to bare myself in front of her to convince her.

"I've been lying to everyone- No," I shook my head, "We're all lying to the world. Me, my father and my brother. We pretend we're normal but-" I looked at her, "Has anyone ever seen us interact?" I asked,

"What do you mean?"

"Have you ever seen us talk to each other?" My words got her thinking. As nobles from a prominent family we always attend events but we're never together. Just for show we arrive and leave together but that's all.

"No," She frowned, "I don't think I have..."

"We arrive in different carriages, leave in different carriages, we don't even talk to the same people. Everything is just for show." I said, "I'm not even allowed to sit with them." My expressions turned sorrowful, "Not even when we're eating."

Her eyes went wide, "Oh My..." She wasn't sure whether to believe me or not but that was understandable. Gossipers aren't trustworthy.

"I have always had my food given to me in my room." I lowered my voice when I saw the employee and manager coming our way, "My family despises seeing my face."

Serena was shocked at my words and she couldn't take her eyes off me even when the manager arrived.

"Good afternoon, My ladies," She bowed to us, "I heard you want earrings made out of emeralds, please, choose a design," The employee with her presented me with a catalog and only then did Serena turn her head away.

We looked at the designs together and decided on the one we both liked.

"This one," I liked long earrings so I chose a lengthy tear drop design which was imbued with smaller silver gems, "I'd like it delivered to my mansion before saturday,"

"As you wish, madam," They both bowed, "We'll start working on it right away." And as they both left, Serena and I turned to look at each other.

"What about your engagement?" She asked.

"What about it?" I asked

"If you wish to run away, why agree to an engagement?"

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