My Dear Lovely Lady

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Hael and I stared at each other for a moment

"It's because you look rattled." He smiled, "I heard young ladies liked this." He looked into my eyes, "Does this not calm you down?"


No, I shook my head

I can't stop thinking about it. I was immediately overcome by a wave of unease that twisted my stomach into knots. I shook my head, as if trying to dispel the images that danced behind my closed eyelids.

My hands began to tremble uncontrollably as the weight of what I had done settled heavily upon my shoulders. How could I live with myself knowing that I had taken a life, no matter the circumstances?

With a shaky breath, I wrapped my arms around myself, seeking solace in the comfort of my own embrace.

I can't believe I killed a person


I watched her keenly. The moment she started to remember what happened her body started shaking.

I've known her for years, but I have never seen her this unnerved.

Why was she shaking? Was that something frightening? It was just a dead man. What's there to be so scared of? It wasn't even a noble. No one's going to ask her about it and I did a perfect job of cleaning up.

It didn't sit well with me. I placed my hands on her knees

"What are you worried about? I took care of it." I said

She raised her head and looked at me.


Tears were taunting the corners of her eyes.

"Killing someone isn't normal Hael." She raised her hands. They were trembling, "It's something that shouldn't happen."

Is that so? Killing isn't normal... Hmmm,


"You have holy power." I said, "You could have healed and saved the man yourself."

Her eyes went wide, "What?" She looked at me with her pupils shaking, "I- what?"

"I'm sure you already know this. Holy Power works better than magic for healing."

"Why-," Tears slid down her cheeks, "You could have told me." Her skin went paler

"You already know though. You have holy power. And who doesn't know holy powers can heal?"

She fell into further despair, "No-I," She dropped her head on her lap and grabbed her head.

How strange. Was she so panicked it didn't even cross her mind? Well, it's not like she had used her power before, so I guess a mistake like that can happen.

"You don't need to despair over it." I tapped her head softly with my index finger, "I doubt you could have used your power anyway." She raised her head to look at me but she looked at me with a glare, "You need to learn to use your power before you use it." She kept glaring at me and that didn't sit well with me.

I wiped a tear that jumped from her eyes, "What happened, happened, I'll teach you how to use your power. So, don't worry,"

Her gaze softened a little.

What am I even supposed to say at a time like this? "Tell me," I asked, "What is it that you're most worried about?" I got up and took my place on the bed beside her.

She frowned, "I killed," She started and immediately stopped. So she's hung up on that.

"You don't have to worry." I said, "It was self defense."

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