The king's summon

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May teleported us to palace grounds. I wasn't given any chance to think about it or even make an attempt to run away. She simply grabbed my hand and teleported me out of the cafe.

"I know it's sudden," The magic circle around us faded away, "But you slept for two whole days after showing your Holy Power and the word has spread everywhere. Everyone is curious, especially the king."

I gulped,

Oh Shit... The word has spread everywhere? Well, not like there was a way to stop it. I used that power in public!

"Come on," She began to guide me towards the throne room, "His majesty is waiting."

This will not end well. I will be recognized immediately. I attended many social events, many of the king's advisors will recognize me too. Oh God,

I was panicking. I couldn't move. I still had to process if there was a way out of this!

I know this isn't the best time for this. But, at this moment, I wished that Hael was here with me instead of May.

"Is something wrong?" She stopped and asked me when she noticed I wasn't following her. But I had no idea what excuse to give her. Unlike nobles, mages tend to mind their own business, so none of the mages know about my past and who I was.

"I thought Hael would come." I looked away.

"He sent me on purpose," May replied and I looked at her with a frown, "He said you might make a fuss if he took you."

Oh, I did tell him I didn't want to see him again.

"What does the king want?" I asked as my gaze dropped

"Nothing much, he just wants to see himself if another saint is true "

Won't my cover be blown like this. What can I do to avoid this? Oh God. I'm already inside the palace gates though!! I don't think running away at this point is an option.

"I can see you are worried about something." She said

"Well, yes," I didn't meet her gaze.

"Master Hael said there is something you'd be worried about."

"He did?" I raised my head

"Yes," May answered, "He told me to tell you, you don't need to worry. He has already taken care of it."

My eyes went wide in surprise, "Really?"

"Yes," She turned around and began to move again, "So, come along,"

"...Alright," I began to follow her and we walked in silence.

Hael must know this all would be frustrating for me. I mean, he's the only person who can know after all. So he took care of it? How? What did he do?

She took me to the inner palace, then stopped there, "You'll be going in on your own from here."

"Excuse me?!?" I thought she'd be going with me, "I have to go in alone?"

"Have a good day," May didn't even bother to explain anything further to me and turned around.

"Wait!" I wanted to go after her but she disappeared right before my eyes.


I blinked at the empty space in front of me. I couldn't believe it. Was I abandoned?!? What the hell is wrong with these mages? Do they never care about other people's feelings?

I looked the other way. At the far end of the spacious hallway, was the entrance to the throne room.

I have to go in alone?!?

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