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I woke up with my head feeling like it weighed a thousand tons. My world seemed to spin as I sat up but once I was up it felt like the dizziness began to settle down.

Holy, what happened? My vision was foggy and I had no idea where I was. I had to blink a couple of times before my sight began to clear up.

"Boss!!" Aira was sitting on the bed edge. She noticed the bed move and turned to look at me, "Oh My God! Are you okay!?" She moved closer to me.

"Boss!!" And Cory came running over, "Oh! God! You're okay!!"

I realized I was in my room, sitting on my bed. My place is basically the third floor of my cafe.

"Yea," I let out a groggy voice, "I'm fine," I moved my body a little, "I think," There was a stiffness in my bones. It felt like someone had burned them.

"Oh!" Both of them hugged me, "Thank God!"

My eyes went wide, then my expressions softened up. While Aira hugged me from the front, Cory was hugging my back. I placed one hand on each of their arms and comforted them.

"Oh! Right," Aira moved away first, "There are some people who want to meet you." She said and I looked at her.

"People who want to meet me?" I asked, "Who?"

Cory moved away as well. She walked around and came to sit in front of me as well, parallel to Aira.

"Boss, do you remember what you did in the city square?" Cory asked and they both looked at me with anticipation.

"Um," I had not forgotten what happened. But I'm not exactly clear on it either. I remember having an extreme desire to save the mother and child and then my body started getting hot, "What happened?" I chose to ask even though I had a pretty good idea what it was.

"You don't remember?" Cory was concerned

"Not really," I awkwardly smiled at her, "I passed out immediately."

They both exchanged a look, then looked back at me, "Boss, a light emitted out of your body," Cory explained, "Holy light..." They both stared at me.

As expected.

It was Holy Power.

"I see..." I let out a sigh.

"You never told us you had Holy Power," Aira said, "Everyone was so shocked."

"I didn't know either," I stared at my hands, "I had no idea I was capable of that..." I raised my head to look at them.

"This is an enigma," Aira said,

"Right," They looked at each other, "Never in history have there been two people with divine power."

That's because I'm a fake.

"I am as perplexed as you both are," I felt like such a fraud. And to top over that, it seems my body isn't exactly compatible with this power either. I used it once and I fell unconscious, "Wait!" I recalled, "What happened to that mother and her son?" I looked at Cory anxiously, "Are they okay?"

Aira stood up from the bed, "You should see for yourself." She smiled at me and I looked at her all confused.

"Is it alright if I let some people in?" She asked, "They're waiting in your lounge."

"Oh!" Right, they said some people wanted to meet me, "Sure."

"Okay," Aira left the room and I looked at Cory.

"Did you bring me back?" I asked

"No," She replied, "I can't carry you all the way back here."

"Then who did?" I asked but she averted her gaze

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