The haters

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I sat in the dimly lit kitchen, my heart pounding in my chest as I feigned tears, the salty droplets tracing invisible trails down my cheeks. It was a performance, one I had rehearsed countless times in my mind, but now, with the other staff members approaching, it was time to make it convincing.

As they entered, concern etched across their faces, I swallowed back a surge of nervousness, steeling myself as I cried out with my face buried in the palms of my hands.

The other maids came to my side, "Hey," They placed their hands on me while the men stood at a distance, "Why are you crying?"

"What happened?"

I continued to cry

"Tracy," A maid rubbed circles on my back, "Come on, say it, what happened?"

"He... he assaulted me," I whispered, my voice trembling with a mixture of fear and outrage. "I-I tried to resist, but he... he wouldn't stop."

The words felt like a betrayal on my lips, but I knew that this was the only way to protect myself from the consequences of my actions. The other staff members exchanged horrified glances, their expressions morphing into ones of disbelief and anger.

"Who?" The place got crowded immediately.

I peeked up from my hands but didn't say anything

"It's fine Tracy, tell us, who?"

The staff insisted and I knew it was the right time to say the name.

"H-hael," As soon as I said his name, everyone grew silent, the maids looked at each other in horror but then men spoke up first.

"He... he must be held accountable," One of them exclaimed, his voice filled with righteous indignation. "We cannot let him get away with such despicable behavior."

Not one person questioned my words. The men are already so jealous of him, this is an opportunity for them.

Hmph! I couldn't help but Smile internally

Hael that bastard, he should face the consequences. Corvina doesn't seem to care much about him nowadays, she went ahead and got engaged so easily too. Everyone was expecting her to make a fuss but she didn't.

On top of that Hael has been rejecting all the people wanting to sleep with him. He even rejected me after fucking me like crazy last time.

How dare he just throw me away! Yet he's walking around with a high head.



I managed to almost finish the novel Hael gave me when I heard something in the distance which broke my focus.


I focused on it and heard it even more clearly. It made me stand up and walk towards my door and open to see what was happening. As I heard the commotion echoing down the hallway, my curiosity propelled me forward, my steps quickening as I approached the source of the disturbance. But as I rounded the corner, my heart plummeted at the sight that greeted me.

There, in the middle of the corridor, stood Hael, his expression a mask of defiance as he faced off against several male staff members. Their faces twisted with malice, their intentions clear as they advanced menacingly toward him.

They were ganging up on him

But why!?!?

I remained by the corner, hiding behind the wall as the staff fought. There were a number of maids ahead of me but luckily none of them noticed me.

"I thought my time would come," A maid said

"Same here,"

Hmm? Time? Time for what?

"He barely just started and then he stopped." They seemed to be discussing the same thing.

"I know right! Only a few maids got to sleep with Hael."


"Isn't he afraid that someone would tell the lady and get him in trouble?"

He would get in trouble for not sleeping with them? What kind of logic is that? That doesn't make any sense.


Something's missing here. They must mean something as well.

And on that note, He's stopped sleeping around?

Weird. I don't think he did that in the past.

What is happening here?

A sickening thud echoed through the air as a bowl hurtled through the space, its trajectory aimed unerringly at Hael's head. Time seemed to slow as I watched in horror, my breath catching in my throat as the projectile closed the distance with alarming speed.

With a sickening impact, the bowl struck Hael squarely in the head, eliciting a pained grunt from him as he staggered backward, the force of the blow sending him reeling. A crimson blossom bloomed where the bowl had made contact, blood trickling down his temple in a macabre tableau of violence.

But the horror didn't end there. As Hael stumbled, the contents of the bowl – a thick, viscous gravy – erupted in a chaotic cascade, splattering across his form


I don't remember something like this happening in the past but one thing I do know for sure is the future.

I looked at Hael from afar.

The gravy was dripping down the side of his head, mixed with the blood, while he looked on the floor at the bowl

With the way he's being bullied.

He's definitely going to kill us all.

I do remember warning the servants to stay away from him, but my words don't hold much power.

They won't stop unless my father or brother say something to them.


The thick gravy stuck to his hair. It took the droplets a lot of effort to jump off his bangs.

I feel so bad for him, my heart hurts.

I was alone in this mansion but at the same time, Hael was too.

I balled my fists in anger, it infuriated me so much with how he was being treated that in that moment I was all in for him murdering the whole mansion.

"What are you doing?!?" I yelled, catching everyone's attention. They all paused and turned to look at me with their eyes wide open.

They may not listen to me but they can't raise their hand at me either. I stomped my way to Hael and the servants cleared the path for me. I looked at the guy who threw that bowl at him and stopped in front of him.

"Do you take me as a joke?" I asked and before he could mutter anything, I raised my hand and slapped him across the face, as hard as I could.

The echo of the slap reverberated in the hallway. My own hand hurt after slapping him but I didn't let it show. I turned to face Hael. He was in awe along with all the other servants.

"My Lady," Another man said, "Do not defend this piece of shit." I turned to glare at the man who spoke.


He got unnerved but that didn't stop him from speaking.

"H-he assaulted your maid!" 

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