Life in prison

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Thrown into a dark abandoned cellar, my already twisted foot hit the frame of the door, further twisting into an unrecoverable injury.

A sharp cry of pain escaped my lips as Agony shot through me like a bolt of lightning, searing through every nerve ending and leaving me gasping for breath while I went stumbling down the stairs.

The heavy door slammed shut, sealing me in darkness as I hit the ground. I couldn't even protest as Hubert made it all so quick and walked away.

"No," Tears stung my eyes as I sank to the cold, hard ground, "No, wait," I tried to look back but his footsteps were already receding while my injured foot throbbed with an intensity that bordered on unbearable. Each movement sent waves of agony rippling through me, "No," I ended up breaking down, "No..."

With trembling hands, I reached out, groping blindly in the darkness for any semblance of comfort, but the cold stone walls offered no solace. The air hung heavy with the scent of mildew and decay, suffocating me with its oppressive weight.

This cellar was never used, the only thing it was used for in all the years was to imprison me in it.

The only prominent sound in the dark room was the sound of my sobs.

Despair clawed at my chest, threatening to crush me beneath its crushing weight as I struggled to make sense of my predicament. How did it come to this? I thought I was doing fine

Tear droplets fell to the floor

How did it get even worse than this? How? Just how?! I crawled on the floor, I couldn't get up, there was too much pain in my body. So, I dragged myself across the cold, unforgiving floor, my fingers scraping against the rough stone as I searched for a safe place to position myself.

My sobs wouldn't stop and hot tears kept rolling down my cheeks.

I roughly wiped my eyes and then continued my search. My twisted foot throbbed with every movement, sending waves of agony radiating through my body with every desperate crawl. Tears stung my eyes as I gritted my teeth against the pain, It felt as if shards of glass were embedded in my flesh, tearing at my nerves with a merciless ferocity

I patted my hands everywhere like a blind mole, trying to navigate my way.

It took me a while but I got myself to a bed frame. It wasn't a bed, it just resembled that but it was made of stone. Once I got myself up on it, I tried not to move.

Even the smallest movement sent crucifying pain in my body. And only when I sat down and slumped against the back of the frame, did I realize I was sweating as well.

With every labored breath, I felt my strength wane, my vision blurring at the edges as waves of dizziness washed over me as time passed.


I was back here again. In a place where I was never able to tell how much time had passed. Thrown in the dark cellar, locked away from the outside world.

I gulped, then scoffed at myself silently.

And I thought I'd be fine. I thought I'd get out of here peacefully.

I can't believe I even dared to try and get married to Lyal.


Something must have been wrong with my mind.

As if, I'd be allowed that peace.

A thick fog of exhaustion descended upon me like a heavy blanket, clouding my thoughts and dulling my senses. I wiped my hand on my neck and noticed that I was sweaty.

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