21: 𝑂𝑏𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑐𝑙𝑒 𝑅𝑎𝑐𝑒

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"I just wanna say... I'm gonna win."

Kira doubled over while laughing at Bakugou's speech. Yeah they really should have gotten Iida to do it, they probably knew something like this was gonna happen. There's no way Nezu expected anything different from Bakugou.

The other students didn't find it as amusing as Kira did though.

"What a jerk!"

"You've got to be kidding me."

"Leave it to Kacchan to literally turn the entire student body against us. I didn't even have to do anything, he ruined his reputation all on his own. Bravo."

"Yep that's it, they're gonna kill us."

"What a asshat, I should have expected that from class A though."

"That one girl is laughing. A bet the whole class thinks it's so funny. That they're so much better than us."

Bakugou walked down to stand beside Kira who put a hand in his shoulder. "That was beautiful. I think I teared up a little." She said with a sigh, wiping her eye with her pointer finger and flicking a single tear away. "Wow, you really don't disappoint."

"What are you talking about?! I'm gonna win, why would I say anything different?!"
He snapped. "I messed up. My mind went completely blank when I got up there. I didn't think i'd ever have stage fright, but there were so many people... Fuck. I should have said "plus ultra" or some shit. "I'm gonna win" what the hell was I thinking?!"

Kira smiled and shook her head. "Yeah I'm sure you will."


"An obstacle course?! Easy... For me... There's no way Kira would be able to keep up with me though. Maybe I should slow it down anyways, not blow their socks off until later. But I did just brag about winning infront of... The entire world. Shit I don't know what to do. Would it hurt her feelings if I ditch her?"

Bakugou kept glancing at Kira who studied her black nails. "We should split up." She said suddenly. Glancing up at him. "The next round should be a team game anyways. I want to hang back and check out the competition."

Bakugou smirked. "And I'll blow the competition away!" He said. "I'm glad she brought it up and I didn't have too. Checking out the competition is a good idea too. It could help us out to know their quirks in the long run."

"Yeah, you do that." She said with a lazy smile.

"Just make sure not to fucking lose. I'll kill you if you fail to make it to the second round, AT LEAST." He said, poking her arm. "You got that loser?"

"Yeah I got it, second round. No problem." She said, smacking his hand away. "Let's do this."


It actually kinda was a problem. Half her class was already almost to the end. And here Kira was, whistling with her hands in her pocket, currently placed at about number twenty six if she was right.

There was a group ahead of her, moving just as slowly, talking amongst themselves. The group hailed from class 1B. Her class's neighbors. They had the same idea as she did. Stay back and watch.

Their leader seemed to be a cocky blonde with the ability to copy quirks. Which terrified Kira to no end. But there was also a girl with red hair that seemed to keep him in line. She seemed kind and responsible, like a older sister. Kira wasn't able to identify her quirk yet.

Kira stayed within twenty feet of them at all times. They barely spared her a glance, just another opponent. Until they got to the canyon.

Students were flying over and jumping into the canyon. Others were walking or climbing on the metal wires connecting it all. But the group ahead of her just used some plain looking boys quirk.

The blonde copied it and they both started to make little random platforms that were almost invisible. They were made out of some type of hardened air or something.

"There aren't that many people behind us so I'm not gonna worry about breaking them. Plus no one can see them, so they'd be dumb to try and take this path. They'll disappear in a few minutes anyways."

Kira stood on the edge of the canyon and bent over, scooping up handfuls of gravel. She stuffed her pockets with the tiny pebbles and then stood up. The group was about halfway to the end of the first canyon. It and only taken them about two minutes, so the platforms should still be good.

Kira tossed a rock and it skipped on the solid platform. Kira held her breath and then stepped on, trusting it with her weight.

She continued this way, traveling only a minute or two behind the group. She glanced up to see cool blue eyes watching her. "Looks like we have a shadow. I don't recognize her though, probably a general studies student. She's finding the path easily though, I should keep an eye on her."

She kept going, a little faster this time.

The group got to the very end and the blonde turned, pointing his finger and using a borrowed quirk to shatter the last three platforms. Leaving Kira stranded on one.

"Monoma! What are you doing?!" The redhead asked, turning to him with wide eyes.

"I'm cutting off a freeloader, what does it look like i'm doing?" He asked. "She's been following us this entire time."

"Yeah, but only because it was easy." Kira said, putting a hand on her hip. She was trying to hide her nervousness, but she knew it was only a matter of time before the hardened air returned to it's natural state because when it did she would fall through it. 'Think think think!'

"Well now you'll just have to figure out something else now won't you." Monoma asked, tossing his bangs out of his eyes.
"Come on."

"What?!" The red head grabbed his collar. "We can't just leave her! She'll fall! What's wrong with you?!"
"He can't actually be serious. Sure Monoma is an ass but he wouldn't just LEAVE someone like that."

"She could always try and jump." The blonde responded with a shrug. "No one helped me get where I'm at now. Why Should I help her? She should have thought about this before she followed us."

"Yeah he's right." Kira said. She backed up a few steps. Kira of course knew she wouldn't make this jump, but she also knew a lot about the girl on the other side and if she was right...

Kira jumped. The blonde's eyes widened, he hadn't expected her to actually try the jump. Kira's body went up, and then back down as gravity cut her jump short. She was just a foot away from the edge and then.

A giant hand clasped her own. Kira smirked as Kendo grunted, pulling her up to solid land. "Thanks." She said simply.

"You're a bigger idiot than I thought. There's no way you could have made that, I was only playing. I would have gotten you." The blonde said, but Kira wasn't so sure about that last bit.

"I wouldn't call it stupid. Crazy sure, but I knew the likelihood of two hero course students ACTUALLY letting me fall to my death was slim. I trusted her." She nodded at Kendo. "It was a leap of faith."

"Really?! She trusted ME?! I've never even met her before but she knew I'd catch her..."
Kendo's eyes were wide but she didn't say anything. "What if I had hesitated?! She could have died! What if I was a bad person. What if someone trusts me like that again someday and I let them down?!"

"Hmm..." The blonde hummed. "I suppose you have a point. I'm Neito Monoma, from class 1B."

He put his hand out. "I wonder what her quirk is..."

"Kira Kokoa. 1A. Forgive me if I don't shake your hand, but I heard you talking about your quirk earlier. I hope you understand." She said with a sly smile.

"One A... Most of one A have already passed the finish line. All chasing glory, but she's taking the same approach as us... Maybe they all aren't the same." He gave her a scrutinizing look for a few moments before sighing and turning around. "I guess I'll see you at the finish line. My the best class win."

"A better class doesn't exist, but yeah sure." She shrugged, walking away.

"Doesn't... Doesn't exist?! It does and it's us, Obviously. But I appreciate the sentiment."

"She's right but he'll never hear that, too bad. She seems nice though."

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