70: 𝑊𝑒'𝑟𝑒 𝑏𝑜𝑡ℎ...

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There were a lot of questions. Eventually Kira went to the bathroom just to get away from it all. She hid in there for a while, rethinking literally her entire life and all of her decisions.

She didn't know if she had made the right one.

Everyone knew now. It was only a matter of time before it got around. At least to her uncle, she knew Midoriya really wanted to talk to him about it. She would have to beat him to it later.

But she just needed a second. A moment to breathe. She snuck out of the bathroom once she knew their classroom was empty. Or at least almost empty.

"Hey." Bakugou said, standing up the moment he saw her enter. "Hey are you okay?" He asked her.

She nodded and walked over to him. "Yeah, I just needed a breather." She admitted. Kira sat down in her own chair beside his.

"Listen Kira I..." He stopped and glared at his hands not sure what to say.

"Bakugou I know." Kira interrupted.

"Hey! I've been wanting to talk to you all day!" He glared. "I don't care if you know. Let me fucking say it."

Kris chuckled and propped up her chin. "Fine. Go for it."

"I'm sorry okay. I know I've already told you. I know you can read my mind or whatever. But I'm sorry and I want to say it. I'm fucking sorry and I hate myself for all I did to you. I know how much that must've hurt you. It hurt me too, I was just too mad to feel it. I'm so fucking stupid." He said, running a hand through his hair. "I'm such a screw up."

"Katsuki, don't say that." Kira said with a frown. "Please."

"You know I am." He said with a frown. "I don't even fucking understand why you're friends with me anyways."
"Especially now that I know you're a mind-reader. Really what the hell? I'm a really fucking bad person."

"No you're not. Especially not compared to everyone else." Kira shook her head.

"Why?" He asked. "I know you've answered before. At the sports festival. But for real now, why me?"

Kira stared at him for a little bit. Then smiled.

"I just didn't get it." She admitted. "You weren't any different than everyone else. Just a little grumpy. But so many people... I don't know. They were just scared of you. I wanted to figure out why. I still don't know. I never figured it out. Not really."
Kira said, she stood up from her seat.
"You're smart. You're a little cheeky and impulsive. You're the only person that can surprise me Katsuki."

She walked over and he watched her from his seat.

"You're brave to the point you seem reckless. But every risk you take is thought through completely. You curse people out but you have never ending respect for your opponents. Your thoughts are so beautiful, but your words come out in jumbles."
Kira said with a small smile. She stood over him and couldn't stop herself. She put a hand through his hair and he stared at her.

No one had ever spoken to him or about him like this. No one knew him like she did.

He reached up and grabbed her wrist gently. Holding her hands against his hair. He wanted her to touch him more. He wanted to feel her skin against his and hear these words over and over. Hear his name on her lips over and over.

He wanted her. Almost too much.

He was fifteen.

"Kira." He whispered.

Thinking it through. What were they doing? Really. What were they doing?

They were so young. Kira was the only girl that ever actually spoke with him. Liked him. And he had already fallen for her? His second real friend and he felt this way about them?

Was it really impossible to have friends without this? He didn't want to be like Deku. He didn't want to ruin things because of this stupid feeling. It would go away right?

He wasn't sure he wanted it too.

"You obviously have a lot on your mind." Kira said with a soft smile.

"Kira I don't know..." He whispered. He felt like crying.

"Bakugou I don't care." Kira whispered. She hugged his neck tightly and he wrapped his arms around her. She climbed into the chair and hugged him completely. Her thighs on either of his, sitting on his lap.

"I don't care how Katsuki." She said, burying her head in his neck. "I want you. You're my best friend Katsuki. I need you. I don't think I can live without you anymore."

He hugged her tightly and tears formed in his eyes.

"All I need is you alright?" Kira said. "You're right. We're just kids. We have three years of highschool. If we promise not to go anywhere can we just figure it out later?"

He nodded against her and took in a shaky breath. He was glad she was a kind reader. Because he didn't think he could speak properly. He couldn't verbalize anything going through his head.

But she could still hear him. Feel him understand him.

"We're friends Katsuki. Alright? That's all we need right?" Kira asked, her hand running through his hair.

"Right." He choked out. "Right that's probably a good idea." Katsuki said, blinking away his tears.

"We're both messed up. We're both kids. We're both students. We're both heroes. We're both busy. We're both lonely. We're both scared. We're both indecisive. We're both inexperienced. We're both..."

"Friends that don't date anyone else?" He asked quietly.

Kira laughed and sat up, leaning away from him. "I won't make any promises unless I'm your girlfriend Katsuki." She admitted. He sent a small glare at her for laughing. "But I really don't think that'll happen anyways."

He clinched his jaw slightly and looked away. Before hugging her again.

Kira could tell he definitely didn't like the idea of her with anyone else. And he currently couldn't even think of himself feeling this way for anyone else.

But he couldn't make her stay alone if he wasn't ready for whatever they might be.

"And I can't promise I won't kill em." He whispered lightly.

"Alright." Kira smiled, she planted a kiss on his forehead before he could say anything more. "Hey. I'm gonna need your help with something."

She said, getting up. He frowned slightly but sighed and stood up. "Sure."
"You know I'll do anything for your ight now right?"

"You're not gonna like it though." Kira said with a small smile.

"What is it?" He asked, wrinkling up his nose.

"I need you to distract someone."

A/N: Mina talking to Kira:

But fr though Bakugou strikes me as a total all or nothing kinda guy.

Like he wouldn't fuck around, if he was with someone romantically its because he is fully ready for it to be forever.

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