23: 𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑠

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Bakugou ended up letting Kira sit in a dark room. Recovery girl gave her some headache medicine and lots of water.

The migraine had snuck up on her, she had been pretty fine during the obstacles race and most of the Calvary battle. Recovery girl said that she may have been too distracted, or she had been fueled by adrenaline the entire time and was now crashing.

Bakugo gave her something to eat and then left again to let her lay down alone. There was about an hour and a half before the rest of the tournament actually started, but there were still a lot of Mini games being played. Kira set up, her headache had just started to relent but he fear...

She couldn't rest until she talked to him.

Kira grabbed the bottle and left the quiet room. Putting on her headphones to try and cancel out all of the noise. She set them on noise blocking mode and didn't play any music. Walking through the halls in silence.

Of course it didn't completely stop her quirk. Nothing did, and that might not be such a bad thing. She had a feeling that she'd panic without it, it was always there and if it disappeared, it would be like losing your sight or hearing. Like an arm or a leg.

Sure she could adjust, but it would take awhile.

She walked to the railing and looked over the playing field. Students ran around with cards in their hands, trying to collect items and turn them in to win. Bakugou wasn't there, but a few other people from her class was. She bit her lip and eyed the exit.

Monoma glanced at his card, threw it into the ground and walked out. She walked down the halls trying to find the one that connected with that particular exit.

It took her awhile, but she found him. He was standing by a vending machine. Possibly in the middle of getting something. But he was clutching his head.

It still hurt, he used her quirk once an hour ago and he was still in pain because of it.

"Maybe I should see a nurse... No. She loves with this, it'll go away soon. I can bare it, plus there are kids far worse off taking up her time. I wonder where she is, she disappeared after the Calvary battle. I... I don't think anyone knows what her quirk was, I would have heard about it."

"You're right." Kira said, he turned slowly. Hand against his temple. "They don't. A few teachers do though."

"Eraserhead definitely does."
He thought, just just nodded and tossed him the tiny bottle of pills.

"Here, use these. They help... A little."

"I'm assuming..." He mumbled, cracking open a soda from the machine. "You're here to ask me not to tell."

"If it's not too much to ask." She said.

"How do you handle this? That was... That was so loud. So much..." He shook his head.
"Might as well ask right? I mean you'll hear me wondering about it."

"It's different for me. My quirk developed slowly. It wasn't this strong until I was almost a teenager. I had time to adjust and get used to the noise and the headaches. Not to mention how many people were around us." She shrugged. "You had to take it all at once. Without warning."

"I had warning actually... I mean you did try to stop me. I should have learned by now to find out what a quirk is before copying it." He said with a hum.

"I shouldn't have touched you though. I knew that if I did you would have used it." She looked at her hand.

"Hmm, maybe." He said, Monoma was not the type of person to reassure people when they take the blame. "It might be both of our faults." He took a pill and swallowed it with his drink.

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