30: 𝐻𝑜𝑙𝑦 𝑔𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦

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A/N: Another update because I'm bored and like comments lol

Kira's head throbbed. She put a hand to it and stood up, looking around. Yesterday was pretty fuzzy, she didn't remember much after Bakugou left her at the bus stop. She had a vague idea of what happened, but her memory wasn't vivid.

She was in her bed though, wearing her favorite sleep shirt backwards. She lazily looked at the mirror. Her makeup was gone for the most part. There were still streaks of grey though. 'Awh, Bakugou really is a sweetie.' She thought, getting out of her bed. She stumbled slightly, feeling weak. Her knees wobbly.
'Speakimg of him...' Kira tilted her head. 'Yeah he's still here.'

Kira took a wipe and removed the remaining makeup that Bakugou must've missed before walking to the her bathroom.

Which was... Clean.

After finishing her business she walked out into the hallway and the into the living room. All trash had been thrown away and taken out, her dishes had been done. Her laundry put away, even the picture of her parents had been dusted.
"You're a regular housewife aren't you?"
Kira yawned. "Wheres breakfast bitch?"

"I'm not your fucking maid." Bakugou groaned from the couch. "This place was disgusting so I murdered your mess!!"
"She's awake, seems normal enough. Slightly wobbly, but her eyes are all the way open and she's standing on her own and walking. That's a good sign."

Kira didn't say anything, just rubbed her eyes and Bakugou glanced up at her. "I made you a burrito." He mumbled.

"What was that?" Kira asked, tilting her head.

"I MADE YOU FUCKING BURRITO." He yelled. "It's on the counter."

"A breakfast burrito?" Kora asked, walking to the kitchen.

"What other kind would I make in the morning?" He scoffed.

"It's noon." Kira pointed out, already eating the burrito.

"Not my fault you're fucking lazy!!!" He snapped back, Kira shrugged and walked over to the couch. Bakugou was sitting there watching TV. "You watch a shit ton of anime."

"Not much else to do when I'm home alone."
She yawned again and sat beside him.

"You're... Okay right?" Bakugou asked, tone different. Softer than it was a few moments ago. "Mentally... Physically... Literally..." He thought, glancing over at her.

"Don't worry about me. I'm fine. I've been through worse." Kira shrugged.

"That only makes me worry more." He deadpanned and then rolled his eyes. "It doesn't matter how much I push, she won't tell me shit unless she wants."

"Good." He mumbled. "You can uh..." He cleared his throat. "You know you can tell me shit right? Like, anything that's fucking with you." He said, looking forward at the TV. "You can trust me. Four easy words, but they feel wrong. Too awkward to vocalize. Like it would make things too serious."

"Thanks pop rocks." Kira smiled. "I might take you up on that."

"But not right now I'm assuming. Guess I don't get to hear about her stupid mystery quirk today. Or ever apparently."
He just grumbled"don't make me regret it" and scrolled through the streaming platform.

"Does your uncle pay for all of this?" He asked, looking around and then at the TV. Kira had all of the most popular streaming services and Bakugou just put together the fact that obviously she didn't have a job.

"He gives me an allowance." She shrugged. "Plus he's eligible to get discounts on certain services for being a pro."

"He's a pro?" Bakugou asked looking over at her. "Why the fuck didn't you mention that before?" He asked, most people related to pros bragged on them constantly.

"Because he's famous. Makes things weird when I tell people their idol is kinda an ass sometimes. Besides you never asked." Kira finished her burrito.

"I don't know... I thought he was in the Mafia or some shit." He shrugged.

Kira laughed. "The Mafia?! Why?" She asked covering her mouth.

"DON'T LAUGH!!! He has a lot of money, is never around and you don't talk about him. That fucking SCREAMS organized crime to me." He yelled the crossed his arms. "So who is he?"

She pressed her lips together. "Uhh-"

There was a knock at the door and her head swiveled around. "Shit!" She whispered, eyes wide.


Kira covered her friends mouth as he was about to speak in his normal voice. "It's my uncle." She whispered. "Of all the days to randomly pop in..." The girl sighed and removed her hand.

"So?" Bakugou asked.

"So you're here and it looks kinda bad." She whispered back. "When I moved in he literally had like one rule that he mentioned, and that was NOT to bring guys over." She groaned. "It didn't matter for awhile because... Well I had no one to bring over."

"Uh... Kira! Hello?" Another knock came from the door.

"In the closet." She pointed over at the closet in the hall.

"You're kidding?" Bakugou asked with a glare. "I'm not hiding in your fucking closet!!"

She covered his mouth with her hand again. "Please Bakugou. He already disapproves of everything I do, I don't need him thinking I'm a whore on top of that."

He stared at her for a second. Then rolled his eyes. "Fine."

"Kira!" Her uncle called. "Are you awake?"
"It's twelve, she shouldn't be asleep. Though I guess with the sports festival break she might be taking advantage of her time off."

"Hold on!" Kira yelled back with a groan. "Listen, remember what I said a few seconds ago. Think about that before getting pissed at me, okay?"

"Who the fuck is this guy?!" Bakugou wondered as she shoved him in her closet.
He kept it slightly cracked so he could peek through, but Kira didn't care. She walked to the door and sighed.

Then she opened it. "Heyyy uncle Yagi." She said nervously. "What's up."

Bakugou thought loudly from the closet.
"She's right, I am pissed. Why didn't she tell me her uncle was the number one hero?!"

"Hello Kira!" All might stepped in and Bakugou was trying not to freak out too loudly from his hiding spot.

"Uh... So what are you doing here? It's been... Awhile since you've dropped by." She said rubbing her neck. "I wasn't expecting you."

"Yes well... I decided to drop by. I was in town." He said, clearing his throat. "It's always so awkward... I feel bad not communicating with her, but when I do it just feels... Wrong."

"Cool, I just ate but... I could get you a drink?" Kira offered, trying her best to be hospitable.

"No no, I just wanted to... Check up on everything. You know just... Make sure you're doing okay." He said putting on a smile.

"Holy fuck this is so awkward." Bakugou thought, covering his mouth to stop a laugh.

"Yeah I'm doing fine." She said, trying he best not to acknowledge the boy stuck in her closet.

"I only have to things I really wanted to talk about. But how am I supposed to bring them up?! I guess ones easier than the other-"

"So how are things with Midoriya?"

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