25: 𝐶𝑟𝑎𝑧𝑦 𝑇𝑜𝑜

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The awards ceremony was...

Mildly barbaric to put it nicely.

Bakugou had kept his word, he won. But he didn't look like a winner and he also wasn't taking this like a man.

Todoroki was in second place, he practically forfeited the final match. He just couldn't work up the nerve to use his full quirk and when Bakugou finally had him he had just sort of... Stopped.

In Third place was Tokoyomi and Iida. But Iida wasn't there. There was a family emergency of sorts and Kira didn't know what it was yet. He had left without saying anything to anyone. Without even being seen. But she was sure she'd figure it out pretty quick.

She walked out of the field. She didn't want to see her friend all chained up like that, and she could hear his thoughts. He didn't want her to see him either. He didn't want anyone to see him.

He felt like a fraud for accepting this award. He knew that the fight hadn't been real. It hadn't proven he was the best at all. Because if he beat Todoroki if he was less than his best.

Then he might as well have lost.

Kira jogged down stairs, under the stadium. It took a while to get there, once she did she passed Tokoyomi. Then Todoroki, The boy eyed her as she passed.

There was something funny about him. His mind felt like ice, it hurt her to reach into it. It felt like an ice wall, she couldn't pick out full thoughts. The first day of class he had been much easier to read.

But now something has changed. Like he had hardened or something.

She kept walking past him, his mis matched eyes watching her as she did.

"Probably going to see Bakugou."

At least she could still pick up a little bit from him. He wasn't completely shut off.

She eventually found the room with the platforms. Bakugou was sitting there on his. He wasn't still chained up or anything thank God. If he had been Kira would have revolted, she would have sold the secrets of every pro that had locked him into those chains.

He had his head on his knees. The medal worn limply around his neck.

This medal didn't represent a victory. The gold surface just reflected all of his failures. Shining in his face.

"Hey Pop-rocks."
Kira said walking over. He didn't really move. She stopped beside him and sat down. "You okay?"

"No. No I'm not." He said looking up at her with a glare. "I don't want this."

"Okay." She leaned forward and grabbed the ribbon. Lifting it over his head and then dropping it around her own neck. "Better?"

He scoffed. "Hardly."

"Oh come on, you did great. You deserve this. Just because the fight with Todoroki didn't turn out like you wanted doesn't mean you didn't win." She said, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"That's exactly what it fucking means!" He snapped. Looking up at her with anger boiling in his red eyes.
"I didn't win shit! I might as well have fought a fucking crippled kid. He just stood there. I fucking hate him."

"Fine. Maybe you aren't physically stronger than he is. But hey at least you're mentally tougher than him. He lost because he couldn't handle it. That's all."

"Oh yeah my "mental strength" I'm so strong that I had to be fucking chained up to accept a medal." He said with an eyeroll and finger quotations around the words 'mental strength' "I'm a joke."

"I don't think so." Kira whispered, brushing his hair out of his face.

"Then you're dumb." He said, grabbing her wrist. The grip wasn't harsh, it was loose. But still firm. "Everyone knows that I'm crazy, that I'm a freak. That I'm a monster."

"You're just... Passionate and sometimes you have trouble controlling that passion." Kira said with a small smile. "And that's okay."

"Passion doesn't drive everyone around you away." He said, glaring at her.

"You haven't driven me away." Kira responded with a shrug.

"That's because you're crazy too." He pointed out with a frown.

Kira shrugged. "Or maybe we're just both a little weird... And very misunderstood."

"Why me?" He asked, looking up at her. "Out of everyone around you. Why did you decide to be friends with me?" He stared up at her with serious red eyes. Waiting for a genuine answer. "She could have been friends with anyone. Any group in out class. But for some reason, she saw me... "

"I don't really know." She said honestly. "Maybe it was because you didn't care that I was new. Maybe it was because while everyone else lies and puts on a mask you seem to wear your heart on your sleeve. Maybe it was because you were all alone, and I related to that." She shrugged.
"Or maybe it was because I figured you'd scare Deku and Iida away from me so they wouldn't bother me."

He scoffed. "That sounds about right."
"Does she really mean all that? Am I really honest? Passionate? Relatable?"

"It doesn't matter why." She said, she leaned against him and put a head on his shoulder.
"I'm just glad I did."

"So am I."
He didn't say it out loud. But he did stretch his arm around her. Pulling her closer against him. He tucked his head into her shoulder.

Kira wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled. This was the first time he had ever actually attempted to be physically affectionate with her at all. He was mildly uncomfortable, and pretty nervous.
"Idiot." Was all he said out loud.

"I wish... I wish I could figure out how to say how I feel... So that she could understand just how much this friendship means to me. But I can't... I'm not good with words like she is."

'I do understand Bakugou.'
She thought, hugging him tightly.
"Hey, wanna hang out tomorrow? I have some concert tickets."

She offered, pulling back. She knew most of the class were going to be invited to an after party but Midoriya. Ironically it was at her own uncles house, and she wasn't invited.

So she had bought some tickets so her and Bakugou could still have some fun.

"Really? To who?" He asked with a frown.

"Oh just some rock band. They do a lot of covers of reeeally old songs. It's great." She said standing up. "Oh and I think we're supposed to meet in class before we're dismissed." She added, putting her hand out.

"Right." He stood up.

"So what do you say? Drop over at my place at around five. Concert starts at Six, it's not that far." She said with a smile. "I'll text you my address."

"It doesn't sound like I have a choice." He grumbled but on the inside he was excited. "She's never asked to do anything outside of school before..."
"How much do I owe you for my ticket?"

"Don't worry about it. I got a deal, they were dirt cheap." Kira shrugged. "Even if they weren't I would tell you. I'm your friend, just buy me lunch tomorrow and we'll be even. Kay?"

"Yeah whatever. Dumbass." He reached forward and ruffled her hair. The way he did it was so hesitant, yet so precise. He looked at her blankly, not with a smile or anything. He just looked. "That was physical affectiony... Right? Am I doing this right? I don't want to make her uncomfortable."

"Oh hush." She playfully pushed his arm away. "Come on Pop rocks. We're late."

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