78: 𝑃𝑇𝑆𝐷

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"Think think think!!" Kira yelled as they ran, ducking and dodging.

"I can't!!!" Denki cried out, running behind her. Practically sobbing while he ran.

"Not you!" Kira groaned. "Me!" Finally it stopped and Kira all but collapsed when she got a break. "I need to think of something, and fast. We can't keep going like this... Going in a building would be suicide, I can't tell which ones are gonna collapse or not." She whispered, gripping her hair.

"Well it's not like we can fly or anything." Denki said, gasping for breath. "We can only go where he lets us. This is so fucked up."

"We can't go up..." Kira whispered. She turned and jogged backwards a few yards. Back to something she had noticed earlier.
"But we can go down." She said, grabbing a manhole cover and lifting it up, revealing a hole in the ground.

"Oh no... That's too gross. I'll stay up here and fail." Denki said, shaking his head.

"Denki no one actually lives here. This is no real sewage." Kira said rolling her eyes. "Just water."

"Ah yes. Just put the nervous electricity welder in the water. Great plan." He said with a frown.

"Exactly. You would never do this. That's why it might work." Kira said, climbing in. Grabbing the rings of a ladder.

"I don't follow."

"Nezu can't see us. At least I'm assuming he can't. Which means he's acting on assumptions, what he thinks we're doing. And right now he thinks we're above ground, and we have probably less than a minute before the strikes again. So get in!"
Kira said, climbing farther down.

"Aw man." Denki whined, following her. "But then what?? We can't navigate under there."

"I know. We hide in here and wait for the next attack. Then we climb back up if possible and backtrack over the rubble. Hopefully he'll assume we're still running and leave that area a-" Kira yelped when the ground started to shake, hand slipping from the ladder.

"Kira!" Denki yelled, he let go of the ladder with one hand and grabbed one of Kira's to keep her from falling the rest of the way.
Kira hang for a second, they held each other's wrists tightly until she found her footing and quickly scurried down the ladder. The water was knee deep but her boots were water proof and her pants were water-repellent. She was glad she thought of all those features, her clothes remained completely dry.

Denki hugged the bottom rings nervously. "I think it'll be safer if I just stay up here." He said with a small smile. "Especially if there's another earthquake."

"Okay, your choice-" the rumbling picked up again, buildings collapsing right above them. The hole providing their light was covered up, leaving them in the dark.

"I have a flashlight." Denki whispered after it was over.

"Climb to the top, see if we can still get out." Kira whispered back. He nodded and pulled out a pocket flashlight, holding it in his mouth as he climbed to the top.
"You can, but we'll have to crawl. It'll be tight."

"Okay hold on." Kira climbed after him and watched as he disappeared out of the hole. She followed and he was right. It was really tight. He took off his jacket so he could slide through easily. Kira unhooked her belt and shoved it in her cargo pockets and they quickly army crawled under a big piece of rubble.

They made it out quickly into the middle of a collapsed building, Denki stood up and pulled Kira the rest of the way out. Kira stood and glanced at him and he looked around nervously. He had a thick black undershirt underneath his tank top, which he layered again with his jacket.

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