Twenty five

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Collette's POV

After I left school and I went straight home. I decided to and change into the top Val gave me, or I stole and am refusing to give back, and pair it with a pair of navy leggings.

I still couldn't believe that Valentina has a design company. Her office was amazing and the work she has is impeccable. I'd be lying if I said I didn't stalk her website.

She has sweatshirt, crew necks, sweatpants, tshirts, tank tops, normal tops and baby tees, fleece shorts, swimwear, hoodies, zip up hoodies and quarter zip hoodies. She even has little necklaces. It's insane. She could literally make an entire life off it all because it's really good stuff.

I was impatient but six thirty officially arrived and I drove to her house so I could arrive there at six forty-five.

Not early but not entirely late.

I was nervous but excited. A night in with her. It sounded cozy but did it count as a date?

I knocked at her door and waited a few minutes. I could hear Artemis bark on the other end and I smiled.

"Hi." I said maybe too soon after the door started opening.

There was the same blonde woman I saw her with at the cafe a week ago. Who is she?

"Letty right? Oh my gosh come in!" She was cheery.

"Val is in the kitchen. Oh I'm Quinn by the way." She said as I stepped inside.

"Collette." I smiled nervously.

I walked in trailing behind Quinn to the kitchen. And I saw Val there.

She was covered in flour and somehow she looked even better than she did in professional clothing. Her hair was in a ponytail as she baked something.

"Hi darling. I'm so sorry I didn't get the door." She said and she smiled at me.

"It's okay. What are you making?"

"Oh she's making us macaroons." Quinn said as she sat at the other end of the counter eating a bowl of berries.

"Us?" I questioned.

"I'm really sorry. I know I said we could do anything you wanted like a movie or something but—"

"We have a habit of barging into her house. Rainnie and Emily just had a child so it's her house next and so we're all coming over for some time." Quinn cut her short and I nodded understanding why plans changed so quickly.

"Can I help?" I asked her.

"You don't have to love, they're practically done."

"I want to. I can make the filling. That's easy" I said walking around.

"Okay." She smiled at me.

"Woah! What? Letty did you just walk into the kitchen while Valentina is cooking? Or baking actually." Quinn said with a smile and in a shocked tone.

"What?" I asked confused as i started making the filling while Val washed up.

"Valentina doesn't let anyone in the kitchen while she's making anything. You're a first. Wait til everyone else hears this." Quinn laughed and I felt my cheeks go warm.

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