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Valentina is coming over tonight. I haven't seen her all day and I know she's been busy because at least this time she texted to let me know.

Yet she still managed to send me little messages here and there.

And winter break has officially started.

Kinsleys friend is here again, they're downstairs and have been playing just dance for the past thirty minutes. Somehow they're not getting tired of dancing to Avril Lavigne's song, girlfriend.

But they're happy and out of my way for now, so I don't mind much.

I've been pacing my room for so long. She's supposed to be here in an hour and I'm nervous.

I still don't know what to wear. I mean I could dress casually because I am home but I still want to look good.

My room is a mess and I have to clean that up before I go down.

I pulled out every item of clothing I could from my cupboard but I still didn't feel like I could wear it.

What if I wore a pair of jeans? No, it's odd to wear jeans at home. Flared trousers? Too formal. What about if I wear just some leggings and a jumper? So fucking basic.

I immediately called Zoë, I have no idea what to wear. I would've called Birdie but she's been busy lately so I'm not sure if she's busy right now  or not.

"What's up babe?" Zoë asked on the other end.

"Are you busy?" I asked while biting down on my thumb, while holding my phone to my ear.

"Nope, Quinn's here but it's fine." She said.

"Oh sorry, it's okay then." I said. I felt bad. She's been dying to hang out with Quinn again, so I didn't want to disturb her time with Quinn.

"No, no. Don't worry, what's up? Is Val there yet?" Zoë asked.

"No she'll be here in like an hour. I don't know what to wear."

"Letty, you're at home. Just wear something casual."

"I know but I still want to look good."

"If it helps, vals wearing a pair of jeans." Quinn said in the back. I figured I was on speaker because I could hear the TV muffles.

"Shit, okay, so do I wear jeans too? Or is that too much?" I said rummaging through my closet.

"Wear a pair of sweatpants. Or a those like fleece trousers you have in your cupboard, the navy blue ones." Zoë said.

I pulled them out and laid them on my bed. Two pairs, the navy blue straight leg fleece trousers and a pair of normal grey sweatpants.

"Won't the grey make me look too desperate? I don't know Zo! This is nerve racking. I would've worn a skirt but it's like twenty fucking degrees outside." I sighed looking at my options.

"Okay hold up, we'll face time you. Hang on." Zoë said as she cut the call and I huffed. She called back a second later and I picked up propping her up against my dresser.

Quinn was sitting at her side on the couch in her living room.

"Okay what do we have?" Zoë asked.

"Literally just the pants. I have nothing else to wear."

"Wear the navy blue ones. Navy blue looks good on you I think." Quinn said.

"I agree." Zoë said.

"Okay. What now?" I asked.

"Keep it light and cool, so nothing too extravagant because it is still dinner with Colton after all. So maybe a white top. Or a grey one." Zoë said.

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