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"Collette, you'll be okay kiddo. It's alright." Colton said to me as he tried consoling me.

I've been laying in my bed for the last three days straight. Kinsley and Colton came back and Colton said he knew about my dad coming back.

He isn't thrilled about it but he said there's nothing he can do for now.

I completely broke down and let everything out as I talked to him. I told him about how I treated Valentina, how him coming home made me feel so scared and like I was going to be giving everything up to tend to him again.

I didn't want that.

"Why can't you just tell her what's going on? She's your girlfriend kiddo, she'll understand if you'd make more space for Kinsley in your life." Colton sat on my bed and I dried my tears.

"I can't. It feels like it too much. It's easier to just have her walk away from me. I'd be hurt but I'd keep my dignity." I said.

"That's unfair to her. I know you're hurting by this news and you're feeling too many things at once but how you're treating her is unfair. When was the last time you spoke to her?"

"She texted me this morning, I haven't responded. I want her to talk away. It's too much."

"What did she say?"

I picked you up my phone and read the message out to him.

Val ❤️
Hi darling, like I said the past three days, I don't walk away easily. Im still here and I'll be here when you want to talk ❤️

"And you haven't responded? Letty, she's clearly trying to be there for you. Why are you pushing her out?" Colton got stern.

"Because once he gets here, there's no way I can even dream of being in a relationship with her. What if shit blows up and he goes back to his old ways. Then what? And Kinsley, someone needs to be there for her." I said slightly annoyed he's not getting it.

"Can you explain that to her? I told her that hurting you was something unforgivable but the same goes for you. How do you expect a person not to hurt you when you are doing the same thing to them?"

Colton was right. I was hurting her and it was very clear that I was.

"I feel like a burden to her. The last time I opened up about him to her. She just held me while I poured it all out. That's a lot for person." I said softly.

"Did she tell you, you were a burden?" He asked


"Then to her you aren't. To me you aren't. Not even Kinsley. You're just a person going through shit like everyone else. But how you're handling it is making it hurt other people. People who care." Colton said sternly.

"Call her, text her, whatever. But apologies." He said more calmly changing his tone.

"Where would I even begin?" I sighed.

"How about "I'm sorry for being a self righteous asshole to you." That should cover how you acted." He said with a smile making me smile too.

He got up off my bed and walked to my bed before coming to a halt.

"You're starting therapy tomorrow by the way. I'll be at school to pick you up at 12." He said with a smile before walking out.

Right, therapy.

I wasn't looking forward to it, but I promised Colton I'd go and see how it works out for me.

I laid back on my bed for a moment. I just stared at my ceiling think about the possible ways I could apologise.

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