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I walked with Mrs Morris into her office and there was Val already sat, her hands folded in her lap and legs crossed over one another.

"Sit." She said harshly.

I sat quickly and looked over to Val who's didn't seem one bit bothered. Her eyes remained cold and hard.

"There are rumours spreading like wildfire that you two are involved with each other. Tell me it is all rumours so I can get back to things that matter instead of whatever is going on." She said harshly to the both of us.

"They're rumours." Val spoke calmly.

I had one strategy now, lie, lie, lie.

At least until she believes me.

"Are they? Because I have pictures of Collette modelling in your clothing brand. And pictures of you two in very unfortunate settings." She says raising her voice slightly.

Mrs Morris is angry. I've never seen her this angry. I've never seen anyone other teacher this angry.

"So was Zoë Hassan, the Perez toddlers and a cardiovascular surgeon. It was a job. One they applied for." She said calmly with a shrug.

"Collette. What is going on here?" She turned to me and asked in anger.

"It was a modelling job. I wanted to try something new and I never knew it miss Fairbourne's brand until I was already there." I said meekly.

"Why didn't you walk away. Do you know how inappropriate that is. And you Valentina, why did—"

"You pay me from 7:15 am until 3:45 pm, Monday to Friday to teach. What I do outside of those hours is not a school concern. If we're going to sit around and have you scream for what I do outside of school hours I'd like to be paid for that too." She said coldly.

"No but it matters to the well being of these students. I'm going to ask again and I want an answer, are you two involved with each other?" She asked again.

"No." Valentina said just as harshly.

"No." I said softly.

She took a moment and sighed before speaking.

"Do you know you could both be in a lot of trouble for this." She said much calmer now.

"We're not doing anything. Is this because I took the job? I just wanted to do something new, outside of my comfort zone. And I liked it." I said looking at her.

"I need to call in Zoë, there is too much against you both. Someone has even come forward about you two. Stay here."  She said getting up off her seat and leaving her office closing the door behind her.

"I'm sorry Val, I'm really sorry." I said to her as I began picking the skin off from around my nails.

"We'll be okay love. No matter what happens, we'll be okay." Val said with a soft smile.

"I hope so." I said softly.

"I know we'll be okay. Whatever happens here, we'll be fine." She offered me a small smile which made my heart flutter. It made me feel like she meant what she was saying.

We'll be okay, more than okay.

Mrs Morris walked in behind her was Ally and Zoë.

Zoë had a look of anger in her eyes. She's not one to hide how she feels most of the time.

If Zoë is angry with you, she tells you straight and if you've done something to upset her, she tells you.

"I'm sorry to pull both you girl into this but we have a few questions for you." She said to them both.

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