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"Zoë I took your stupid advice and I told her to beg for my forgiveness!" I said as I walked to Zoë at the entrance of school.

"What?" She said with her eyes widened at me.

"I did it, and now I don't even know what to do. I swear I felt like i was going to pass out right here."

"Okay damn. First of all, I'm proud of you. And second, I didnt actually think you'd go through with it because I was actually joking." Zoë said looping her arm with mine.

"Gee nice of you to say so now." I said with sarcasm as we walked to her car. "I did it and now I have no idea what she'll do." I added.

"Don't do anything. Just wait for her. She'll do something. And then we'll see if it's enough." She said as we jumped into her car.

Zoë was driving because she had picked me up this morning while Colton took my car to the garage yesterday because of something to do with oil.

I don't know, I'm just a girl.

Anyways when I got home I saw one other car in my drive way, I was so confused. But when I opened the door almost all my mysterious were solved.

There was two six year olds playing. Obviously one was Kinsley but the other one was a light skinned little girl with blue eyes.

"Letty!" Kinsley said running up to the door to give me a hug, or hug my leg.

"Hi Kinny." I said hugging her back.

"This is Nala. She's my best friend." She said pointing to the little girl who stood behind her.

It only just occurred to me that they're both in short sleeves, it's middle of November and freezing. How? I mean I vividly remember that this morning Kinny had on her pink coat but now, she had a white short sleeve top on.

"Hello! You're tall. Like my mama." She said as she smiled brightly at me.

"Hi, I'm not that tall." I smiled at her

"You're like mama, she's tall. Do you like chocolate? Also do you like strawberries?" She said brightly with a wide smile.

I wanted to laugh at her enthusiasm even though I had just seen her for the first time ever, she was so enthusiastic. She said I was tall and I was furthest thing from.

"No nala, come Colton has chocolate. And maybe we can ask for strawberries." Kinsley said and they both ran away.

I chuckled slightly at it because she reminded me of Stella's daughter, Emilia, who was enthusiastic and sassy all while her mother was trying to get her to say my name properly.

I walked through the house and saw Colton in the living room with another woman, I'd never seen her before. She had long dark hair that fell down her back, she has bright blue eyes that matched the child's and also looked tall. Even sitting down.

I tried to turn quickly because to be honest I had no desire to even say hi to Colton, I was worried about what miss Fairbourne would do, and how I even got myself into to mess.

"Letty! Come say hi." I heard Colton say from behind me and I let out a breath and turned on my heel.

I walked into the living room and stood in front of them, "hi, I'm Collette." I introduced myself hoping I could leave quickly.

"Hi Collette, Jordan, Nala's mom. You're Kinsley's sister? Correct?" She asked standing up and stretching her hand out with a smile.

I shook it and nodded. "Yeah I am." I smiled.

"Wonderful, well it was nice meeting you." She said and sat back down. I smiled and finally turned to go to my room.

Once I was upstairs, I decided I needed to study. I have exams in two weeks and I need to study. It's better than all this stressing.

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