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Anya's POV:

I was staring at him, I can't help it. He is so handsome. I notice his eyes were so beautiful, his eyelashes could make any girl jealous because they were the most beautiful pair of eyelashes I saw. His jawline was so sharp. Any girl could melt over him.

" Stop staring at me." He said without looking at me.

" You think you are so beautiful that I will stare at you." I lied.

" I am that's why you are still staring."

" Don't you have too much attitude."

" I don't have to explain you because I do not buy it from you."

" Why are you so rude?"

" I told you, I don't need to explain you. So look at front and focus on lecture."

" Oh god! Such a arrogant person. Your father is far more better than you." I said while looking in the front.

" You are fucking annoying."

" I should say that about you."

" You should not say anything about me."

" I can say, it's my mouth, I don't own you."

" Say whatever you want." He put earpods in his ears. And I also started focusing on the lecture. After the lecture was over, he immediately went from there. And I also went to my friends.

They both came and hugged me. " Did they bully you?" Anjali asked.

Shanaya said while looking into her phone," Instead she bullied them." She showed her the video of me bullying those bitches. She came and kissed me on my cheek," That's my girl."

Anjali said," Hey, you managed to bully them. Tell me also some tricks girl."

" Just break their noses, if you can't break with your hands. Then throw something on them."

Anjali said," You are crazy."

We all went to our apartment.

Armaan's POV:

I entered my car and waited for Kiaan and Aveesh. After 5 minutes, they also entered the car.

Kiaan said," Hey bro!"

Aveesh said," Armaan Malhotra is still sitting in the car. I thought you would throw that girl out. If a boy would done it, instead of going home he would have gone to hospital."

Kiaan added," By the way, that girl had guts. I have never seen any girl like her before."

Aveesh teased," Sure she had, that she wrapped Armaan Malhotra around her finger."

" Shut up!" And I started driving.

" OH MY GOD!" Aveesh exclaimed.

Kiaan and I said," What happened?"

" Someone put a image on instagram." He showed us the image. The image was a collage. They first photo was of that girl hitting me and on top of it was written, " She did this to seek Armaan's attention", then there was a arrow which pointed on other picture. The picture was of that girl hitting those girls and on the top of it was written, " She hit those girls who were Armaan's friends and told them to stay away from him.". And the last picture was of me and her sitting together. And in bold letters it was written," This girl managed to sat beside Armaan. She is a psycho who wants to trap Armaan." I passed him the phone back.

Kiaan said," Really, this girl is very clever ."

" You really believed in it. This all is lie, I saw myself those girls first tried to bully her and she also didn't willed to sit beside me."

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