7. The question of further studies

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As Ibrahim left the classroom, Gerges, waiting anxiously, watched him with a worried expression.

-Gergo, why are you standing here as if you're expecting bad news? - Ibrahim asked curiously as he walked towards his friend, and they headed together towards the school yard.

-I was just worried that something happened to you or something. But why did the teacher keep you inside?

-We were just discussing further studies. He suggested that I should go abroad for studies.

-Well, your English is good after all, and your grades are pretty decent.

-Yeah, but what's the point of going to the West to study, and then come back here to work? If I want to broaden my horizons by going abroad, I can do that with a student exchange program too, I don't need to move out for that. And yes, I know the economic situation is not the best right now.

-You don't have to be an archaeologist in Egypt. You can research, for example, the Celtic culture in England, or something else. There's also the mystery of Stonehenge, allegedly built by aliens.

Ibrahim pondered Gergo's words as they sat down on an abandoned school bench. The sun was already leaning towards the horizon, and the schoolyard became quiet, with only occasional distant laughter.

-Gergo, you know, my passion for archaeology isn't just about interest in the past. My mother's story, the ancient relic we kept at home, and then her disappearance... it's all connected. I feel like it somehow ties back to the ancient Egyptian civilizations. That's why I feel like I need to stay here, or at least deal with the history here.

-But sometimes we find answers in the most unexpected places. Maybe a Western university could give you new perspectives and tools to get closer to the truth.

-Maybe you're right, Gergo. Maybe I do need a broader perspective to solve this mystery.

-I've actually been thinking about studying abroad too. I want to be a lawyer.

-Seriously, buddy? And when were you planning to tell me this?

Well, I wasn't entirely sure... But seeing you considering it too, maybe it's time for us to think about it more seriously.

-Tomorrow we could go to the library to first check out the prospectuses of universities.


When Ibrahim arrived home, he shared with his father, Dawood, that he was seriously considering the possibility of studying abroad. Dawood's face showed a mixture of surprise and concern, as if another Suez Crisis was looming.

-We cannot even talk about it! - he said firmly. -I know you want a better life, and I want that for my children too, but not like this, abandoning our already shrinking Coptic community.

Ibrahim was taken aback by his father's strong reaction, but he understood his concerns.

-It's not about abandoning our community or our faith. I want to broaden my horizons, acquire knowledge that can contribute to the well-being of our community, even if I study abroad, - Ibrahim explained calmly.

However, Dawood seemed unconvinced.

-I can see where this will lead. First, you'll start skipping church services because you'll be "too busy" with rock and roll dances. Then it'll be a little wine, a little beer, and soon you'll be drinking like an English lord, then you'll take to smoking weed. Eventually, after completely going astray, you'll end up with a scantily clad dancing girl from the West! Finally, you'll dress up in jeans, sing Elvis Presley, and forget how to pray! I can't let this happen!

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