10. Forgiveness

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The pre-dawn sky was dark as Ibrahim headed towards the airport. He sat by the window on the plane. Since he had left home early, he was tired and tried to rest, but as he closed his eyes, memories and worries raced through his head. He thought about his family, whom he had just left behind. He imagined his father's stunned and disappointed face as he read the farewell letter, pounding the table. Among his thoughts also emerged Veronica's tear-stained face as she hears the news that he left for Oxford before their wedding. He knew he had just broken Veronica's heart, as the girl had long harbored gentle feelings for him, but he could not reciprocate those feelings the way she deserved. Meanwhile, Aisha's words also echoed in his head: "Postponing your marriage is not the best path, if you do this, the universe will take its revenge, it will take something from you." Maybe he should really take her prophecy seriously, as Aisha's intuitions had always been good. Amidst the confused feelings, however, he remembered why he had set out on this journey: to unravel the family curse and what had happened to his mother that mysterious night. Among his memories, an old conversation with Aisha resurfaced.

-The ancient Egyptians believed in the power of magic - Aisha had explained. - They thought that words, symbols, and actions had the power to influence the world around them. - Ibrahim imagined the ancient Egyptian priests performing complex rituals to heal the sick, bring rain, or protect themselves from evil spirits.

-Curses are also a form of magic," Aisha had continued. - But remember, curses only have power if you believe in them. If your faith is strong, then the power of the curse over you will also be strong.

Ibrahim pondered Aisha's words. Perhaps the curse is not something to be feared, but rather a challenge to be overcome.

-What can I do to break the curse? - Ibrahim had asked.

-There is much you can do. You must strengthen your soul, explore your family's history, and learn to harness the power of ancient Egyptian magic.

Ibrahim paled. Ancient Egyptian magic? How could he learn to master such a magical art, of which he had only heard in fairy tales?

Aisha had seen the fear in Ibrahim's eyes.

-Don't be afraid. You don't have to do it alone. I will help you on the journey.

Ibrahim nodded gratefully. He knew that with Aisha's wise counsel and the power of magic, he could defeat the curse that plagues his family.

Aisha had begun teaching Ibrahim the basics of ancient Egyptian magic. She had taught him the language of symbols, the power of spells, and the importance of meditation.

Ibrahim soon realized that magic is not just about spells and tricks, but also about developing inner strength and awareness.

Suddenly, his eyelids grew heavy, and Ibrahim dozed off. In his dream, he saw strange symbols and heard mysterious whispers. The symbols glowed and spun, and the voices murmured in ancient Egyptian.

Ibrahim did not understand his dream, but he felt it carried important messages.

When he woke up, they were almost in London. The plane's wheels touched down on the Heathrow runway. The noise and bustle of the massive airport impressed him, but he also felt like a stranger. Since there is no direct flight to Oxford, Ibrahim had to continue his journey by train from London. He first went through customs and immigration, then collected his luggage. The airport was huge, full of people and shops. He took out his map and found the way to the train station. The Heathrow Express train quickly took him to Paddington Station, from where trains to Oxford departed.

This was Ibrahim's first airplane ride, and soon he would experience his first train journey as well. In Alexandria, everything was within walking distance, and when they went farther away, they traveled by car as a family, and he sometimes drove alone, while he only took the bus on school trips. But now he was in London, in a foreign country, and he had to find the train station on his own. He got in line for the ticket, then went up to the platform. The train soon arrived, and Ibrahim boarded an empty compartment.

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