Chapter 1 - New Life

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Evelyn was paraded through the streets. Some strange city called: Hatherton. Following closely behind the horse, tied around the wrists she had to jog to keep up with her captors. When more people saw her she was booed. Being naked besides her bra was the least of worries. Never mind the embarrassment. Here and now, she was in an entirely different world. 

She looked around, hoping for any signs of something familiar. Mr. Duran hiding in the crowd. He burly father rushing up to protect her. The daydreaming stopped when a tomato hit her square in the jaw. It burst, the juice spreading across her face. The hit having her stumble and recoil a bit. Soon, the booing started. 

More food was thrown at her. Soon, bits of meat, vegetables and fruits were all over her body. Each pelt again her bare skin, broke her down more and more. Soon, she was crying, head kept low. It felt like an eternity of shame and rains of booing. However, they passed a gate. One where the guards were pushing back the crowd. 

Eve turned around to see a large wooden gate slam behind her. The crowd still jeering at her. She sighed in relief as she was escorted to an extravagant home. It looked royal for sure, she thought she was going to jail or some type of prison. Instead, she was being attended to by a group of housekeepers. Some of the "help" for the three-story mansion. It's white and gold aesthetic hurting her eyes. Gargoyles stared down at her from far above. 

Soon, a blanket was wrapped around her. The rough fabric much better than being exposed to hundreds of...what were they peasants?

"This way." A gruff voice finally said. It was the one that had arrested her. She felt a hard tug on her wrists. It was then that she felt the sting of sweat and chaffing on her wrists. They were raw from being forced to walk such a distance. She was led to a side set of stairs that went up and around a corner of the mansion. 

Up the metal stairs and into a large empty room. There appeared to be...well Eve thought it looked a lot like a piano but different. It was square and there were three rows of keys with pipes that led in wild directions. Church organ wasn't quite right for the beast of an instrument either. There were glass tables spread around. Fancy chairs with fur stretched over them sat around. The large, blue curtain extended high and above them. The light screeching in past their openness. 

From the far end the door was pushed open with such force the door handles jammed into the walls they met. Eve froze when she saw the man. He was a tall man, with a strong jaw line. His hair slicked back and in a suit that might make an CEO jealous. It's tailoring accenting his muscles perfectly. He glared towards Eve as soon as their eyes met. 

"Is this the girl?"

"It is." The gruff guard said. 

"And a real one?"

"As far as we know. A cleric will be here soon to confirm."

"No need." A woman strolled in behind him. She was in a robe that was completely see through. 

"How can you tell?" The handsome one asked.

"Call it a radiant energy." The woman grimaced. "She's from Terraria."

"Is it true?" The handsome one asked. He looked to the guard and snapped. The guard bowed and left out the door he came in. He then strolled up to the shivering Eve. "Are you from Terraria."

"Sire." The woman spoke up. "She might know her plane of existence"

"Earth..." The man tapped his chin, meeting the woman's eyes for a moment. He then quickly turned his attention to Eve. "Earth. Is that it?"

Eve blinked a few times. She tried opening her mouth but she just froze there. Unable to speak, unable to think. 

"Well?" He leaned in close. He even smelled lovely.

"I..." Eve swallowed. "I am from Earth...where am -"

A swift backhand met her face. Eve fell backwards from the sheer force of it. The blanket she had used to shield her was ripped away from her by the man. "You will speak only when spoken to. Do you understand?"

Eve felt her face, still in shock.

He kicked her in the stomach so quickly and such force she puked up her lunch. 

"Ugh. She got it on the carpet." The woman sighed, strolling over to the piano. 

Eve was still writhing on the ground. Heaving breathes out, struggling to sit back up without her stomach screaming at her. 

"Indentured!" The man screamed. A woman came out of nowhere. Without a word she started cleaning up the puke with a cloth and some soapy water. Eve scooted away from the servant.

The woman started playing a melancholic tune. As Eve looked up at the clear master of the house. The handsome man ran his fingers through his hair and looked down at her. He grinned as he raised his hand and Eve instictively tried to protect herself. 

"Good. You're a quick learner." He squatted low, getting to her eye level. He grabbed her by the jaw. Pulling closer, Eve was forced to crawl on her hands and knees to close the distance. "You're far less ugly than the stories tell."

Eve still breathed heavy, reeling from pain. She was pushed away from him. 

"Ick. Still gross." He shook his head. "Evelyn?" He turned to the other woman.

"Yes?" She asked, not turning her attention from the instrument.

"How much are these one's being sold for these days?"

"It's been a few decades since the last sullied arrived to us. I imagine her youth...her beauty will rake in a few strong offers."

The man grinned down at her. Eve looked around the room, watching the servant leave with the dark soapy water. "She certainly a curious one."

"She's probably just in shock." Evelyn offered.

The man scoffed. "What's your name?"

Eve took a shaky breath out. "Evelyn." 

The woman's playing stopped with a few erratic notes. The man chuckles as he looked towards the other woman. "Evelyn, huh?"

The woman started playing again. 

"What do you think of the name Ev?" 

"Brand her, rename her. Simple. Same as always."

"Oh yes, the brand." He strolled around the room. He was seemingly looking for something. Eve noticed they weren't looking her way. She tried to stand but slipped and slammed into the floor. Her stomach was screaming at her to stop moving. "Found it!" He laughed in a sing-song tone. "Don't go anywhere now Evelyn."

"I won't." Evelyn stopped playing and stood. 

The man whistled and six guards came into the room, weapons drawn. They froze when they saw the situation in front of them. "Hold her." He instructed as he held up a pair of brass knuckles. 

The guards grabbed her quick. Forcing her to her knees, her arms pulled to the side. The man snapped at the brass knuckles started glowing. He strutted up to her. Placing a gentle hand on her face. She breathed faster as she saw the brass knuckles. They had simple initials: JJ. She felt the heat from it as it got closer to her chest. 

"Hold her." He instructed them again. 

Eve felt a sharp pull on her hair. She tried to wrestle away from the heat. Her survival instincts kicking in. But it was inevitable. Her arms were spread wide, it felt like they'd rip her arms out of their sockets. And with a quick motion, the man pushed the white hot brass into her skin. 

She screamed as her skin sizzled to the touch. She smelled burnt flesh as the pain seared into her chest. Right below her left collarbone. The pain was so immense she passed out. She awoke on the ground, she felt warm liquid around her legs. 

"Julien?" Evelyn asked the master of the house.

"Yes, dear?"

"This one pissed on the carpet."

"So, she did."

"Put her with the other gross indentured."

Eve's limp body was lifted off the ground. Two guards scooping her up under the armpits. As she was dragged out of the room, she heard Julien's voice clear as day. "She's mine, Evelyn. I'll do as I please with her."

a forbidden love story: book 2 - INDENTUREDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon