Chapter 12 - Broken

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Slut woke up about a day and a half after Lady Gwendolyn had saved her. 

The physical toll it took on her body to fuck Uruk and Elric was immense. 

She dreamed of a life better than this. One where she was back home. With her mother and father...her stupid brother and two bratty sisters. Now?

Slut blinked her eyes open. Expecting a hard cock to be thrust somewhere she opened her legs first. But for the first time in what felt like ages, she didn't feel the warmth of the jelly's side effects. She didn't feel anyone around her even.

She swung herself up and looked around. An opulent room, one she had been in before. White walls, golden trim and purples filled the entire room. This is where she lived with Lady Gwendolyn. But that was impossible. 

"Easy." A gentle voice spoke.

Slut jumped and stared at the woman in the corner of the room. She gently put her book down and walked over to Slut.

"Easy. Easy." She continued. Her long, dark hair looked familiar.

"Lady...Gwendolyn?" Slut's eyes teared up. Her eyes burned, like she had been crying for three days straight. She had been crying for three days straight. Through the moaning and fucking. She was still there. Still somewhere in the back of her mind she kept her sanity. 

Lady Gwen took her in her arms. For the first time in her new life, a warm embrace. From a master no less. 

"What happened?" Slut whispered in the lady's ear.

They separated and Lady Gwen grimaced. "I...I have no idea. I wish I could tell you. But I fear I wouldn't want to know, or wish your fate on my worst enemies."

"I..." Slut started but fell silent for a long moment.

"Don't worry." Lady Gwen said. "Just. Try and eat and we'll speak afterwards."

Lady Gwendolyn snapped her fingers, and three servants came in with food. The lady of the house aided her to a sitting position and food was delivered to her. 

Slut's stomach growled at the smell of something that looked like scrambled eggs. There was also some type of bacon, toast, and fruits she had never seen. Lady Gwen smiled and left as Slut devoured the whole amount of food. 

In a matter of minutes the servants, who were bowing the whole time on the edges of the room, came and took the plates away. Slut looked around the room more closely. There was a desk now. A small library nearby. 

"Can I come in?" A familiar voice came from the door. 

Slut looked up to see Caly. The Fire Born was just as beautiful as when she last saw her. Slut started tearing up again and held her hands out for a hug. Caly rushed in and onto the bed. Hugging the girl tight. 

"I've missed you, Eve." Caly's voice stung as the words left her mouth.

"That's not my name." Slut corrected.

"Oh." Caly turned her head. Still holding her in a tight hug. "I-I thought your name was Evelyn. I could have sworn even."

"I..." Slut tried to remember her name but when she tried all she could think of was Uruk and Elric's cocks. "No. It's not." She was much angrier this time.

"Calypso." Lady Gwendolyn's voice came from the door. 

They both separated, Caly standing next to the bed, head low.

"Please. Give the girl some space. She's been through something traumatic."

"But I can help." Caly pleaded.

"No." The lady's words had finality to it. 

Caly nodded and bowed her head.


Caly was quick, leaving without a word.

Slut grimaced watching her walk away. 

"What did you say your name was again? If not Eve?"

"That's not my name!" Slut exploded. 

Lady Gwendolyn grimaced and closed the door behind her. She locked it. 

"What is your name indentured?"

"My. Name." Slut swallowed. "My name is Slut."

Lady Gwendolyn strolled over to her. Snapping as her beautiful house gown disappeared. Revealing nothing but the naked woman. She grinned down at her. "So... you've been mind broke? Hmm. Pity."

Lady Gwendolyn grabbed her by the neck. A small moan escaped Slut. 

A fact that made the lady's smile even wider. Her perfect white teeth reminded Slut of Lady Evelyn. "What are we to do with a broken indentured?"

Slut's heart sank as the realization hit her. She was still no safer here than she was with Lady Evelyn. "Master...I -"

A gentle finger to her mouth hushed her. "Don't speak. Touch yourself."

"What?" Slut asked, befuddled by the request.

This questioning seemed to anger the lady. The smile disappeared as a hard smack hit her across the face. "You touched my favorite toy without my permission. You didn't think your punishment was quite done yet, did you?"

"I..." Slut's eyes started watering, holding her cheek with a gentle hand.

"Oh, stop." Lady Gwendolyn said without any remorse. "Now. Be a good slut and touch yourself."

Slut blinked but felt did as the lady of the house required of her. She reached down to her still throbbing pussy and played with the lips. 

"You're doing it wrong." Gwen frowned.

Slut nodded, biting her lip she gently rubbed her clit. "Mmm." A small moan escaped from her. It still felt amazing. Slut had assumed she'd never have to have sex for the rest of her life with the lady. She was wrong it appeared.

"Look at me." Lady Gwen demanded when Slut's eyes strayed to her own pussy. Slut stared at Gwen as she rubbed.

Faster and faster her hips started humping the air as she came in quick order. She moaned loudly as she came. Her pussy was now soaking wet, the fingered herself. Taking the moist finger she put it her to her mouth and sucked on it.

This pleased Lady Gwendolyn who hopped onto the bed herself. She reached down and put three fingers in Slut. 

"What's your name indentured?" Lady Gwen demanded.

"I..." Slut moaned out. "Slut. My name is slut."

Lady Gwen went faster and faster.

"Who is your new master?"

"You." Eve moaned out as her g-spot was being pushed on in a mind-numbing way. "You."

Gwen bent low and kissed Slut. Her soft lips so gentle as her fingers moved in and out of Slut. The cherry on top being the thumb that started massaging her bud. Through the kisses loud moans squeaked out.

"Fuck me. Fuck me." Slut said instinctively.

In mere moment she came, squirting all over the expensive sheets. 

Lady Gwen looked down at the mess she made and grinned. 

"I've always wanted a mind broken girl. The process was always too barbaric for me. But this time...I didn't have to do the mind breaking." Lady Gwendolyn smiled. "You thought this was over. This is just the beginning Slut."

Slut bit her lip, expecting more but instead Lady Gwen stood and snapped her fingers. Her gown reappeared and she walked to the door, opening it. 

"Have your fun with my favorite toy, Slut." Lady Gwendolyn stepped out the door and Caly rushed in.

She hopped on the bed and looked over Slut. "You okay, Eve?"

"That's not my name..." Slut said quietly. "It's...Slut now." 

Caly looked down at her, sadness in her eyes. "What do we do now?"

The last spark of humanity swelled deep within her. "We run... We find an opening and we run."

a forbidden love story: book 2 - INDENTUREDWhere stories live. Discover now