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☆ 1. Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The Snow Rabbit Tribe in the Beast God Continent.

In the evening, the sunset shines on the open space under the tribal mountain. A group of two- and three-year-old children are running around naked. Next to them, an old man is poking holes in a dark gray animal hide with a fish bone. Children of about ten years old carried branches back and forth in preparation for the dinner when the hunting party returned.

Further away, the tribe's picking team, led by the captain, looks for edible wild fruits, while the hunting team needs to go further.

Every member of the tribe has their own mission, except for Bai Tu.

Bai Tu walked out of the cave where he had stayed all day, stopped at the entrance of the cave, and wrapped himself in the animal skin. He didn't have any fitting underwear. Even with the animal skin wrapped around him, he had the illusion of running naked.

Bai Tu, who was used to modern life, couldn't just wrap himself up and go out like others. The price of being tightly wrapped was the heat, so for a few days he could only come out for air in the morning and evening.

Today is the third day since he encountered an accident and traveled to this strange place. He has basically figured out the situation. This is a place called the Beast God Continent. The Snow Rabbit Tribe he belongs to is a small tribe composed of more than 80 tribesmen. . The appearance of this body is exactly the same as before his death, except that the hair has turned white, and it looks like he has just reached adulthood.

According to other people's descriptions, he knew that he was a "fool" who was picked up by the tribe leader a month ago. He was slower than others in everything he did. He only remembered his own name and was assigned to the picking team. Five days ago, I had a conflict with an orc from a neighboring tribe. During the push, I fell and hit a rock. I was in a coma for two days before I woke up.

When I woke up, I found that the wound on my head was still bleeding, and there was no one in the tribe who knew how to heal. Bai Tu relied on his memories to find several herbs for himself to take. He had been interested in plants since he was a child and knew a lot of herbs. Healing a minor injury was not a problem.

At first, I thought it would be good to find one or two hemostatic medicinal materials based on my fragmentary knowledge. Unexpectedly, I am now more familiar with plants than before. Many plants remind me of their uses after seeing them, as if they had just learned about them. Even some plants that I have never seen before are now known to me.

The wound was not healed, Bai Tu didn't go too far, and only a few medicinal materials were collected. However, the herbal medicine here is very effective, and the body's self-healing ability is strong. It has only been two or three days, and the wound has begun to scab. He can only occasionally feel dizziness and other symptoms. He judged that he had a concussion, so he could only try his best. Reduce activities, after all, there are no condition checks here.

Not to mention check-ups, in this primitive society where there is nothing, filling one's stomach is a luxury. Most members of the tribe are thin, and some older members are even skinnier. Even though it was summer when supplies were relatively abundant, the prey that the tribe could catch was still not much.

What surprised Bai Tu was that the people here had both humanoid and animal forms, including himself. Most of the members of the Snow Rabbit tribe are in the form of rabbits. God knows how shocked he was when he saw a two or three-year-old child fall and turn into a rabbit. When the underage rabbits transform into beast form, they are only as big as a palm and have snow-white fur. Unfortunately, the orcs who guard the underage don't let them touch the cubs.

Farming, raising cubs, and building infrastructure in the world of beastsWhere stories live. Discover now