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☆ 134. Chapter 134

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Chapter 134

Next, Huwan introduced the whole process of being deceived into the Black Forest Tribe.

You can tell from the name that Huwan belongs to the Tiger tribe. As an orc with a large animal shape, the life of the Huanghu tribe where Huwan originally belonged was not bad. It did not mean that he had no worries about food and clothing, but at least he would not go hungry.

Therefore, the reason why the Tiger Clan entered the Black Forest Tribe is different from other tribes. They were invited to join the Black Forest Tribe.

When they first heard that the famous Black Forest Tribe allowed themselves to join, all the members of the Yellow Tiger Tribe were extremely excited.

Although joining other tribes does not have the freedom of one's own tribe, which tribe has not dreamed of being invited by the Black Forest Tribe.

There was a time when the Black Forest Tribe only invited tribes that were strong enough, because many tribes regarded receiving invitations from the Black Forest Tribe as proof of their strength, and for a period of time they even regarded being invited as a sign of strength.

The Yellow Tiger Tribe was naturally very happy to be invited under such circumstances. The entire tribe was immersed in the excitement of joining the Black Forest Tribe, and had no intention of asking about the orcs who had joined the Black Forest Tribe before.

About to live a life that others would envy, the whole tribe of orcs, with their expectations for the future, ate all the food in the tribe the night before leaving the tribe.

That was the tribe's last meal for the next two years.

On the first day after entering the Black Forest Tribe, everyone thought that others were living the life of their dreams. After the Black Forest Tribe gave them food, they felt even more lucky.

The Black Forest Tribe gave them very little food, and no one felt anything was wrong. After all, they were joining other tribes, so it was normal for them to have less food. After all, they didn't have to work.

This idea lasted for half a month. In the first half of the month, everyone had to do very little and it was very relaxing. Although the food could only be half full at most, everyone was very satisfied.

What's more, after joining the Black Forest Tribe, everyone found that every meal was more delicious than what they had eaten in the tribe before. It was obviously the same food, and it didn't look like there was any new meat, but it always tasted like what they had cooked before. Not the same taste.

The range of activities of the middle group of people is limited. No one doubts this. Many orcs do not like the smell of strange orcs. When one tribe enters another tribe, it usually takes a while to become familiar with each other's scent. The Yellow Tiger tribe stayed in a separate area, and occasionally saw some orcs who were completely different from the Black Forest tribe orcs they came into contact with, and they couldn't help but ask about the orcs who helped them deliver food.

The other party replied that those were orcs who had made mistakes in the tribe and should have been driven out of the tribe or burned to death, but the leader of the tribe was soft-hearted, so he kept the people, but the punishment must not be less, and finally arranged for them to do heavy work to atone for their sins.

Even in the small Yellow Tiger tribe before, orcs would occasionally make mistakes. This explanation was very reasonable. A group of people nodded after listening and no longer sympathized with those orcs who looked like they were miserable. They didn't know at that time that those people were who they would be in the future.

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