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☆ 174. Chapter 174

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Chapter 174

Bai Tu carefully took out all the cubs and left their father's arms. The cubs reflexively stretched out their claws and hooked his clothes.

Not wanting to hurt the cub or ruin his clothes, Bai Tu simply put the cub back and asked Lang Qi in a low voice: "Did you hear anything just now?"

Bai Tu was confused. Just now he knew that he was sleeping. , and knew that he had his eyes closed, and the sound was not far away from him. The cry of the cub seemed to be still in his ears, as if it was coming from reality, but the sound disappeared after he woke up. It was in a dream.

"No." Lang Qi gently rubbed the center of his eyebrows, and also suppressed his voice before asking the question again, "Are you having a nightmare?" When he entered the door, he found that Bai Tu seemed to be very anxious, worried that it was a nightmare, and did nothing. Wake people up first.

Bai Tu recalled what happened just now and shook his head: "It's not a nightmare, it's just... I dreamed that someone was quarreling." But before the quarrel started, he was stopped by the familiar voice. From now on, he only cared about the cubs, and he didn't Know what about the two people talking in the beginning.

Bai Tu looked down at the cubs. The three cubs returned to the familiar embrace and slept more comfortably. The gray wolf cub even stretched out, turned around and continued sleeping without opening his eyes. The quality of his sleep was very good. Envious.

I don't know if he didn't sleep well, but Bai Tu felt a little dizzy and felt that he had forgotten something.

Lang Qi helped him rub his temples and asked softly: "Would you like to sleep a little longer?" He could see that Bai Tu was tired. Now that the most important things for the tribe were over, he took all other things on himself. Someone came to disturb Bai Tu, but Bai Tu still hadn't had a good rest. Lang Qi lowered his head and looked at the cubs sleeping in Bai Tu's arms, "I'll take the cubs away tomorrow." In this way, Bai Tu could have a good rest. .

Just when Bai Tu was about to say no, the little gray wolf cub woke up from his sleep and started barking at Wolf Qi, as if he was treating a heinous villain.

Lang Qi stared at the cub who was angry at him.

The little gray wolf cub showed no fear and screamed to wake up the other two. The little black wolf cub rushed to Wolf Qi's hand and bit his hand without saying much. The little white wolf cub looked at his biting and vicious brother, then turned to complain to Bai Tu.

The sound Bai Tu heard in his sleep reappeared again, and he was silent for a moment. It was the same sound in his sleep just now. He felt like it was like a cub, and indeed, it was almost exactly the same as now. The gray wolf cub has the loudest voice, the black wolf cub is lower and more fierce, and the white wolf cub is coquettish and aggressive. The three of them each perform their own duties and have a clear division of labor.

Rubbing the coquettish cub in his arms, Bai Tu reached out and grabbed the little black cub from Lang Qi's hand, then took the little gray cub into his arms, and then coaxed them together: "Okay, father is just talking, not going to "Take it away." He thought the cubs were asleep and couldn't hear the noise outside, so he said it softly. The cubs could still hear clearly what the cubs said next because the wolf's voice was not loud. Avoid the cubs.

The white wolf cub rubbed against Bai Tu, making an aggrieved voice. The gray wolf cub seemed unconvinced and barked at the wolf twice, as if threatening. The black wolf cub did not make a sound, but stared at the wolf. Qi looked like he was looking for an opportunity to speak.

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