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☆ 130. Chapter 130

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Chapter 130

After a while, news from other orcs confirmed what Bai Qi Xiong Tuan said.

As long as they are injured orcs, the witch doctors of the Black Forest Tribe will help treat them for free, and they will also provide medicine for several days. If they are robbed of food and have no food to eat, they can also go to the orcs of the Black Forest Tribe to get it.

The witch doctors of the Beast God Continent have a high status, and the witch doctors of the Black Forest Tribe are the best among them. They basically ignore ordinary orcs. Even if the orcs of their own tribe are injured and the supplies are short, they will not take action. They will only take a certain amount of items. Only then will they come to the rescue.

Not to mention the Black Forest Tribe, even the older Bai An and Xiong He heard about the free medicine delivery for the first time.

Although the attitude towards the Rabbit and Wolf tribe has improved now, the Black Bear tribe is still on guard against other orcs, restraining members of their own tribe and preventing them from leaving this area. The annual fair is a season for various attacks, especially this year.

The attack by wandering orcs on their tribe was related to Xiong Tai, but in the past, even if they tried hard to search, they could not find a team of hundreds of wandering orcs. The dead orcs had already passed away. The current situation in the tribe did not give Xiong He too much time to be sad. He wanted to Ensure the safety of the remaining orcs in the tribe.

There were several injured orcs in the tribe, but the wounds were not as serious as those of Xiong He. The orcs from the Snow Rabbit Tribe treated their wounds this morning, but they were still a little moved when they heard that the witch doctor was delivering medicine.

After all, it was given for free. The medicine that could not be exchanged for food before could now be received by showing the other party the wound and proving that the wound was caused by a wandering orc. Who wouldn't be tempted?

However, Xiong He refused to let a few people pass. He looked at Bai Tu, whose expression remained unchanged not far away, and quietly warned a few people: "The orcs of the Black Forest Tribe will not be so kind and give away medicine in vain. You forgot that the group was almost killed by Xiong Tai. "

Although the witch doctor who left their tribe was not from the Black Forest Tribe, he knew the witch doctor from the Black Forest Tribe, and he used the inducement to join the Black Forest Tribe to trick Xiongtai into harming people. Xiong He strongly suspected that there was a connection between the two parties.

And now the Black Forest tribe has come out to deliver medicine again, and it's from the witch doctor. No matter how you think about it, there's something wrong. In the past, orcs who went to the Black Forest Tribe for treatment would often have to take out half of the tribe's food before they could get a chance to seek help, and they might not even be cured in the end. Some were only given the medicine once, and needed to continue if they wanted the medicine later. Exchange supplies.

Normally, he would like to plunder the whole tribe before giving medicine, but now they don't want anything, even food is given away for free. Xiong He doesn't believe that they suddenly become so kind.

The younger orc had less experience, but he was still a little moved: "Those witch doctors said that because there were few prey this year, they decided to send medicine and food to pray for the beast god."

Xiong He didn't believe this even more. He was harmed by the witch doctor. Having lost his children and clan members, when he mentioned the witch doctor now, he felt that the other party was a liar. Even if the other party did nothing, he could still quickly rise in defense: "In the past, the witch doctor said that you would use prey to pray to the beast god, but now It turned into giving everyone prey to pray for the beast god? "It's not that he is careless, but the witch doctor's words are inconsistent!

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