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Nanon was speechless, now that he had not caught the attention of either of them, the smell was completely distinguishable and he knew perfectly well that First was not his omega. That only left Chimon, that was not possible. But he knew there was no mistake, his alpha was eager but he was barely directing him. Ohm and Drake approached behind him and ready as they approached the two but he stopped them.

"First." He spoke softly, still shocked, First quickly stood up and put Chimon behind him.

Chimon was covered in bruises, his lips were cut, his wrist was in a cast and he could barely stand.

"Don't come close."

Chimon hid as much as he could behind First's back but in his mind he was already being hit because who was he kidding? No one was going to sacrifice themselves for him, his eyes stung with tears. But a growl made him turn around.

"We're not going to hurt him."

Ohm and Drake looked at each other confused.

"I need to talk with you urgently."

"I'm not going to leave him here alone, much less with you here." He just sighed.

"I promise we won't."

Well, he never would at least not anymore. He nudged the boys and they nodded heavily. First was important to them.

First nodded and left a crying Chimon in sight as he helped him sit up and he complained. Nanon had a great desire to go to him and take care of him, thinking, 'take care of him from the wounds that I myself gave him.'

First took them by the forearms and went to a place a little away.

"What do you want?" He spoke curtly while raising an eyebrow.

"I..I..I'm really sorry for what I did yesterday."

Ohm and Drake simply gave each other a look and shrugged.

"You don't know..." First's voice broke a little and his eyes looked at him intensely.

"You don't know what it's like for me to think that my friends almost killed a person!"

Nanon's hair stood on end, he could have killed his omega, his other half, his eyes watered and First looked at him without understanding.

"He is my omega."

Everyone's breathing hitched and silence reigned over the group.

"You will not approach him." First spoke after reflecting.

"But he's my omega!" Nanon spoke desperately, he was about to go crazy.

"But you don't deserve him, you were going to kill him, you hit him, you broke three ribs and a wrist, Nanon."

Nanon began to cry while Ohm and Drake comforted him without really knowing what to do.

"Don't talk to him too loudly or violently and don't wait for him to respond or speak because... where is Mon?"

They looked everywhere for him, they wondered how he had disappeared so quickly in his condition although they already knew the answer. Many times they had left him lying in the middle of the hallway and the boy was always on his feet the next day.

"I can't smell his scent." Nanon got upset.

Not sorry First. Nanon's hands played nervously, he had never felt like this, the pressure in his chest and his alpha wanted to know if his little omega was okay.

"Don't worry Nanon, we have to split up and look for him."

Everyone transformed into their wolf form, beginning to sniff and explore every inch outside their school, of course, they had made sure that Chimon was there.


Chimon had his back to a tree, he couldn't walk home, his abdomen hurt and so did everything else. He had no choice but to escape, he knew that they were going back to being friends again and when that happens, goodbye protection, hello certain death.

He played with the attractive flowers that the tree grows but then a sound of dry branches and a spicy aroma filled his nostrils. An alpha, trembled, stayed as still as he could, alphas in general were not very friendly with someone who was not of their class. If it found him, he's lost.

His heart was beating wildly and he heard the wolf approach while he sniffed, Chimon clung to the small flower when a wolf with dark brown fur approached where he was and looked at him head on.

Chimon sobbed and got a little closer to the tree, feeling his ribs crack. The wolf was lost in the undergrowth and he almost sighed in relief before hearing the great howl that came from there. And instantly one of his attackers, Nanon, came out.

"Chimon." His voice sounded powerful, installing a tremor throughout the aforementioned body.

Nanon just watched as his little omega cry because of the beating he thought he was going to receive. But Nanon didn't speak, Chimon just stayed holding a small flower and Nanon felt hurt, it hurt him to see how his omega was overcome with fear when he saw him and in the state he was in.

Ohm and Drake came out of the same bush that Nanon came from. Nanon saw how Chimon's gaze looked defeated and he dropped the flower.

"Mon?" First came out of the undergrowth.


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