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The atmosphere was not tense and whoever noticed would think they were four friends hanging out but the reality was just a little far from that.

Chimon was holding Nanon's hand who simply sent him a look that letting him know that it was time. He was beginning to think that this plan was stupid.

"Guys, I have to go to the car for a moment."

Ohm and Drake turned to look. Nanon gave Chimon a kiss on the cheek as he left. When Nanon was out of sight Chimon turned towards them fearfully.

"Now what will you do without Nanon?"

One of them mocked but Chimon forced himself to be strong, it wouldn't work if he started crying, he had to pretend that at least he could give them a fight.

They took him by the elbows and lifted him up, he was surprised that such a stupid plan worked and even more so that those stupid people really believed it. That is to say, if Nanon returned and didn't look for him but it was obvious that he would and it would be even more obvious if they took him to the back door.

Chimon tried to pretend that he was moving a little, it wouldn't be like they were going to do anything more than hit him although this time he knew it would only last a moment.

Walking through the back door he felt another hard pinch on his butt followed by a spank. That did scare him because they had always limited themselves to just hitting him.

"It seems Nanon doesn't have such bad taste after all."

Oh oh now I was afraid, that had never happened... Where was Nanon?

Drake pushed him against the alley wall and he scooted away a little but Drake pulled him back by the waist, not like the way Nanon did but violently. He felt a slimy kiss on his neck and tried to move away from him but he was still held down. Why didn't Nanon show up?

The door to the alley opened abruptly and Nanon came out agitated, he expected to see Chimon lying on the ground, beaten to many other things but he did not expect to see him in Drake's arms. His blood boiled just seeing that.

"Who do you think you are to have him like that, huh?!!"

Drake and Ohm were scared by Nanon's tone of voice but they still didn't let Chimon free who simply wanted to escape.

Nanon suddenly changed into his wolf form while growling in the direction of the others. Ohm and Drake knew it was better to run so Drake released Chimon and tried to run away with Ohm but Nanon was faster and ran until he was behind them. He bit Drake's calf as he grunted loudly but continued running.

Chimon watched everything from a far corner with his hair standing on end, he had never witnessed a wolf attack from anyone, not even him.

Nanon turned to him and growled a little loudly, Chimon trembled but forced himself to calm down. Nanon suddenly changed back to human form hugging Chimon.

"I won't let them touch you again."

Nanon kissed him but harder than ever, holding Chimon to his chest since he was very small. He left a small kiss on his neck and they entered the premises again.


"Do you want to eat something?"

Chimon nodded, feeling how that knot in his stomach dissolved at the thought that they wouldn't hit him anymore. He ran towards Nanon, giving him a kiss on the cheek and then blushing.

"T-thank you very much for everything." He gave him a smile.

Nanon decided to take him to a fine restaurant in the area since money was not a problem for him. Chimon looked at the whole place impressed, it was quite expensive and he honestly felt out of place.

"What do you want to order?"

Nanon spoke but he was lost in Nanon's honey eyes, he had never noticed so well that he was so handsome, he simply nodded without knowing what he would agree to. A voice called him loudly taking him out of his daydream, apparently, several minutes.

"I poured you a glass of wine, try it."

Chimon didn't really drink alcohol but he simply couldn't refuse who had helped him, so he drank it all in one sip listening to Nanon's laugh.

"Little one, that's not how you drink it."

Chimon blushed at the nickname and gave a small giggle.

They enjoyed the food in that restaurant with laughter and jokes, of course and a few small kisses. After 7 glasses of wine, Chimon laughed very loudly and stole many kisses from Nanon, who was surprised by the attitude he had. He took Chimon leaving the restaurant and they got to the car.

"Nanooon." Chimon dragged.

"Yeah? Chimon?"

The boy made a rather adorable pout in Nanon's eyes.

"I'm your little one, don't call me Chimon." He threw a tantrum.

"Come, I have to tell you a secret."

Chimon motioned with his hands to get Nanon closer and lowered him until he was at ear level, when he was close enough he licked Nanon's ear making him moan.

Nanon opened his car putting Chimon in the back seat but before he could get in, his cell phone started ringing. He became exasperated with his mother since he was about to give Chimon a good kissing session even though they were not dating yet.

When Nanon turned around he sighed laughingly when he saw Chimon asleep with his mouth open and laughed closing the car door.


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