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Chimon left his house followed by First and Nanon and immediately a cold current of air hit him on the face and body causing him to shrink and shiver.

"Nope, let's get your gloves and hat first." Nanon demanded looking at Chimon waiting for the answer.

"In t-the top d-drawer."

Nanon ran up the stairs, quickly grabbing a little white hat and blue gloves for Chimon.

Closing the door he took a glove, placing it carefully on the hand that was not in a cast and playfully placed the white cap below Chimon's eyes.

"H-hey!" Chimon spoke, biting his lip and feeling his cheeks color, he lifted his hat, placing it well and whispering a ''thank you''.

"And what do you want to eat?" First interrupted the scene, getting a killing look from Nanon who, although he knew that his friend and Chimon had not done anything, wanted to know why his omega smelled like his best friend.

"Uhm..whatever you want." The two friends turned to look, smiling big.

"Meat!" The two spoke laughing.

Nanon offered his car to take them, something that Chimon was internally grateful for because his ribs still hurt so much.

When the car finally stopped, Chimon stared at the place inside the car, there was no way he could afford that, he wasn't exactly a rich person and the only thing he had was a small inheritance that his grandmother left for him.

"I c-can't pay for this."

For the first time Chimon hadn't stuttered more than twice on a word and it was because his fear of them had lessened a little in the last few days. Nanon pulled him out of the car and took him by the hand.

"Don't worry, I'll invite you." The wink left Chimon blushing, he had never been invited to anything not even a date.

They sat at a table somewhat away from the center of the restaurant but were near a window. The air at the end of the year continued to bother Chimon and the only thing he thought about was another Christmas alone, as always. He felt something warm creep over his shoulders, he turned and looked at Nanon's jacket on top of him.

"Uh, if you keep going like this, it'll seem like summer to me." He laughed a little which impressed them and even himself who felt uncomfortable by the looks of both of them.

"I-I'm sorry." He spoke out of his stupidity. They just shook their heads and smiled, they had never heard him laugh.

When the food arrived, the two friends began to eat quickly without noticing that Chimon could not cut his steak because the cast prevented him from doing so, so he stood staring at the plate. Nanon turned around and patted his face internally for his foolishness and took Chimon's plate, beginning to cut the meat into small pieces. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Nanon took a piece of steak between his fingers, placing it in front of the lips of Chimon who timidly opened his mouth receiving it. First, who was alone watching them, smiled tenderly and sneaked to the bathroom to give them time alone.

"Chimon, I wanted to uh—." Nanon cleared his throat.

"–I apologize for hitting you before and all that..." He added nervously, watching Chimon's eyes blur.

"I just want you to stop doing it, I don't want any more beatings, please." Mon whispered in a broken voice.

"Never again, I promise." Nanon assured giving him a kiss on the forehead.

"Now tell me about yourself, where do you like to go out with your friends?" Nanon asked.

Chimon just hung his head ashamed to tell him that he had no friends, no family, no one.

"I-I don't have f-friends."

Chimon played with his hands waiting for a reaction from his companion who simply remained silent, his mind began to kill him, surely Nanon was going to think and know what kind of loser he was and he would go back to being like before.

"Well it's time to go! I already paid, don't worry." First added, looking at his nails mockingly.

Nanon pushed him gently causing them to burst into laughter as they walked through the bustle of the street outside the restaurant.

Arriving at Chimon's house, First lay down on the couch and Nanon went straight to the bathroom. Chimon looked comforted by the fact that they felt comfortable in his house.

"Now we will talk." Nanon spoke, drawing his attention.

"Why did Chimon smells like you?" He crossed his arms looking at his best friend.

"Like I told you." First rolled his eyes.

"I was hugging him and already... Jealous stupid." He added in a tone of voice that only Nanon could hear.

Nanon smiled Machiavellian and took a cushion, throwing it right in First's face, he pretended to fall in an overly dramatic way making Chimon burst into laughter, for the first time in his life he was having a happy moment.

Nanon looked at him mischievously, running towards him, took him by the waist and took him to the sofa where they began to tickle his neck, making him squirm and scream a little but this time not from pain but from joy. Finally when they calmed down First quickly kissed Chimon's cheek and quickly left through the front door knowing how his jealous friend would be.

"I'll go put your hat and gloves in your drawer, okay?"

Nanon stood up, kissing the cheek of a still happy Chimon who simply smiled at him showing a small dimple that he had never seen before, he loved that his boy could now be happy.

The doorbell rang making Chimon get up and open the door. His hands fidgeted nervously when he saw who it was and he began to back away slowly.

"Hello son." His mother smiled falsely.


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