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When Chimon woke up he felt that he was lying on a soft surface and felt warm. He tried to get up but something was holding him tightly around the waist and he didn't feel the pain in his arm or the pain in his ribs so he just curled up further into whatever he was lying on.

Nanon opened his eyes when he felt Chimon move, he thought he would get up but he noticed that he just snuggled closer to him. Removing one hand from his waist, he began to use it to play with Chimon's hair.

Chimon began to stir a lot and his breathing began to accelerate, scaring Nanon who upon feeling how he moved, made him become more attached to him.

"Chimon wake up!" He spoke loudly trying to pause Chimon's movements.

"Please! You're hurting!" With this last scream full of panic, Chimon opened his watery eyes looking at Nanon with fear but little by little his eyes showed relief.

"What were you dreaming about?" Chimon moved a little from his waist to the center of the bed but he let out a moan.

"Does something hurt?" He began to inspect it while Chimon gave a small but adorable giggle.

"It was just a nightmare." He gave Nanon a shy smile.

Chimon saw his brown eyes looking at him with great concern, something that made him feel a tickle in his stomach.

The two stared at each other without flinching, Nanon knew it was too soon but he couldn't control himself when he saw his omega's full wet lips. He slowly approached, expecting the other to move away but was surprised to find that the other did not move.

The tickling in the center of Chimon's stomach increased and his cheeks turned red as he noticed how Nanon was approaching from moment to moment, he closed his eyes slowly feeling how Nanon's lips joined his own. Nanon grabbed Chimon's waist while opening his lips a little to deepen the kiss. Chimon felt very nervous and didn't know what to do so he simply opened his lips feeling Nanon kiss him deeper.

Their lips moved in time with each other as Chimon let out soft sighs of satisfaction. The kiss stopped but Nanon continued his kisses on the cheek and then went down to the neck where he placed a few small kisses.

"W-why did you kiss me?" Chimon asked him softly.

Nanon approached him, joining their foreheads, giving a loud sigh right in the space between their lips.

"Because you are my omega and because I love you." The words came out without any shame.

Chimon's breath caught when he heard that, a part of him felt happy because he had finally found someone to protect him and love him but also worried because the one he had thought would protect him was Nanon.

Nanon observed Chimon's face with mixed emotions and quickly drew his conclusions.

"Don't worry, I won't be the same as before. If you allow me to be with you, I promise to take care of everyone and everything." He kissed Chimon's nose.

Chimon had a hard time deciding but he decided to give it a chance.. if it was just a joke.. at least he would have a happy moment in his life.

"O-okay." He played his hands.

Nanon stroked his hair as a big, excited smile spread across his lips. He approached Chimon's neck to start tickling him. Now he could say that he was his boyfriend, although first he would have to start a courtship. Chimon moved happily between the sheets while Nanon continued to tickle him.

"E-enough Nanon." He kept laughing while trying to get him away from him, until he stopped.

Chimon's breathing was accelerated and he covered himself completely with the sheets only leaving his almond eyes in sight, looking at Nanon intensely.

"Can you promise to never hurt me like before?" He asked softly but scared, he was really scared that it will happen again.

Nanon removed the sheets from his face and as he approached Chimon's neck he whispered "never again" and playfully rubbed his nose on his neck earning a giggle from Chimon.

"Move. I need to take a bath." Chimon whispered.

"Fine." Nanon huffed.

"But only because you already stink." He  continued.

Chimon gave him a half smile as he entered the bathroom. When he came out, he dressed in comfortable clothes and went down the stairs carefully because of the wound on his ribs.

"Why didn't you call me to come down?" Nanon spoke when he saw Chimon there alone and bit his lip, shrugging his shoulders.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Uhmm, I'm not hungry but you eat." Nanon looked at him reproachfully.

"Eat something." Nanon hugged him around the waist.

"I'm worried you might get sick from that," he added.

Chimon sighed dejectedly but agreed to eat some chopped fruit.

"I want everyone to know that you are my partner."


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