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Chimon was very happy, he had never had anything like this in his life. Neither a friend to take care of him or who could tell him his stories nor a partner to share with and as much as it pained him to admit, he had never had a family to lean on or who loved him.

Despite that, he wanted to share it with them because after Nanon, it was the only thing he had.

"Do you think I can introduce you to my family?"

Nanon looked at him confused.

"But…" Nanon tried to speak but Chimon interrupted him.

"I know." He nodded softly, leaning on Nanon's shoulder.

"I just wish they knew something about my life... maybe one day they'll accept me."

Nanon twisted his face a little, knowing that it wasn't going to happen but still he remained silent. He really couldn't imagine a life where no one supported him because he had always had a lot of people around him.

The sky began to darken but that didn't mean they got up from where they were and the cold began to seep into their skin.

"Here, stay warm." Nanon took off his jacket, giving it to his boyfriend.

"Boyfriend, that sounds good." Nanon thought, smiling as Chimon snuggled closer to him, looking at the sky.


Nanon woke up feeling disoriented seeing all the undergrowth and trees. He looked down for Chimon and there he was.

His wolf howled when he sensed another presence nearby, that had woken him up. He heard the branches thunder in the distance but knew that whoever it was would find them.

"Mon, wake up." He shook Chimon hard.

Chimon woke up scared but without his glasses, he tried to look for them but Nanon picked him up abruptly.

"Nanon my glasses!"

"There is no time, we have to go."

Nanon began to walk but Chimon could not keep up with him, he could barely see anything although he also heard the footsteps that were chasing them, making him nervous.

"Nanon." His voice sounded scared but he received no response.

Chimon continued running with his heart beating a thousand miles per hour and stumbling everywhere. He had a couple of scratches but that didn't stop him from continuing to run.

"Nanon." He repeated again more quietly, knowing that whoever was chasing them was nearby.

"Mon.." He heard a whisper.

"..Come here." Chimon's eyes filled with tears from helplessness and fear.

"It's just.. I can't see." He touched the trunk of a thick tree and hid behind it trying to normalize his heartbeat and his tears.

Nanon was frustrated to know that he couldn't help him without being detected, of course, if they found Mon he would come out. Nanon watched as someone, he couldn't see his face, was leaning against the tree where Chimon was and with horror he watched as Chimon was going to try to flee at that moment.

Before Nanon could stop Chimon, he had already run away being chased on his heels by the stranger. Chimon felt how his forearm was held tightly preventing him from passing but not knowing if Nanon was close to him or not, his body acted on its own, surprising him and Nanon who was looking from the undergrowth and at the stranger.

The stranger cursed under his breath, he hadn't been told that the boy could have reacted like that. And Nanon simply watched, impressed at the not-so-big earth-brown wolf that looked scared.

Chimon was disoriented, he had never transformed and could barely keep his balance. The stranger seemed to notice this and quickly approached and grabbed him by the neck.

They began to struggle and the stranger squeezed Chimon's neck dangerously, causing the earth-furred wolf to begin to whimper, transforming back into a human form.

The stranger raised his hand to deliver the first blow but the large black-furred wolf lunged at him. The stranger turned into a wolf too, nothing stopped him from hurting him.

Finally, Nanon threw the stranger to the floor, leaving him unconscious. In human form, he moved to Chimon.

"It's me Nanon, we have to go."

Nanon took Chimon by the hand and they started running until they reached Chimon's house.

They lay down on the couch, remaining silent.

"I didn't know what your wolf looked like."

"I didn't know either." Chimon added, still shocked by his transformation.

"Well.. Now do you want to eat something?" Chimon asked grimacing when he saw his somewhat empty shelves or at least he thought so.

"Yes, of course."

"Well..." Chimon cleared his throat.

"Do you want some raisin bread with... Uhm, mayonnaise?"

Nanon made a disgusted sound upon hearing that and the boy laughed a little.

"I'm starting to think that you want to kill me."

"Better come with me to buy real food."


The window made a loud noise when a rock hit it, breaking it. The two ran to the living room, it was definitely the stranger from the forest, although neither knew what he wanted, he seemed cruel to them. They slowly approached the rock but there was nothing written on it.

Ding! Dong!

The house bell rang, giving the room a gloomy air.

"Stay here, I'll go see who it is."

"No, let's both go." Chimon attacked back, he believed this had more to do with him than with Nanon.

Finally Nanon convinced him to stay where he was, he slowly approached the door watching the handle move from one side to the other.

Nanon sighed, taking courage and flung open the door, stealing a sigh from both of them.


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