My Wolf Is Better Than A Boyfriend.

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"Mom dad before you freak out just look at him he's as gentle as a bunny!" Mom was still to shocked to move so dad answered. "Yeah uh-huh, only bunnies don't eat other bunnies!"
"They do if it's a scared mother rabbit." I mumbled under my breath.
"What was that young lady?"
"I said does he look like a killer to you?" I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck to which he purred, who knew wolves did that?
"Yes it is because of him my patience is being murdered."
"Dad I hit him with the truck I can't just let him go he is hurt, besides he's a genius. Star shadow do something impressive."

He simply looked at me then walked over to mom and dad held up his paw then walked down stairs leaving us in my room, a couple minutes later he came in carrying a box that said scrabble. Three thoughts crossed my mind; I hate that game with a passion, why do we have it anyway and why the heck does he have that is this one of those 'my wolf ate my board game' how original right? I watched as he dumped out the pieces, sat down and started moving tiles. He sat back after a little allowing mom, dad and I to lean in to see what he did; written on the tiles was 'hello Nicole's parents I'm star shadow'. "Holy s-" I was about to say schist but mom thought differently. "Nicole you better not cuss." "Really mom, now?"

I swear shadow was laughing, he was on his side wheezing with that big wolffish grin on his snout. "Shadow where did you learn to spell?" I was torn between kissing him because I know my parents won't get rid of him now and screaming because what dog talks through scrabble, honestly? 'I was trained end of story I will not hurt Nicole will you let me stay with her' he wrote. I need to get him some punctuation tiles. "Mom, dad?" Mom looked over to dad who looked over to shadow who was looking at me the whole time, I looked up at the ceiling. "Well if he stays here we need to get him something to spell with I don't want to get scrabble tiles everywhere."

Dad said then walked out to the garage I assume while mom was trying to scratch shadows belly but he kept moving away. "I thought dogs and wolves like belly rubs." "He let me rub his belly in the truck." Shadow walked over to the tiles and started writing when he finished I read out loud. 'Only Nicole can rub my belly' "Well that settles that." Mom said as dad came in with a sheet of sanded plywood that had each letter on a different button and some punctuation marks with a small screen next to it and hung it on the wall.

"There now star shadow can talk to us." "It didn't take you long to make that dad." Dads only response was a wink as he and mom left my room. "Goodnight Nic." "Goodnight mom dad." I went into the bathroom and changed into my black long pants and tank-top brushed my teeth and walking in my room to find star shadow standing on his back legs hitting every button and looked at me when I walked in then started typing again. I looked over to the screen that now said 'I like this it's cool tell your dad thanks'

"My fathers name is Matt Damian Maryweather and my mothers name is Brittany Odessa Maryweather." Shadow sat down cocking his head to the side before walking over to the key board typing out 'what is your middle name?' "Let's go to sleep and tomorrow after school I'll answer any question you have okay?" He nodded and jumped up on the bed and curled his body around mine putting his arm on my shoulder and snout next to my face. Giving me a lopsided grin he licked my face leaving a nasty slobbery trail from my chin to my forehead I was forced to wipe my face on the fur on his neck as he gave off what I assumed what was a wolf chuckle.

Smiling I kissed his forehead before falling asleep. There was a group of wolves divided in two sides with me in the middle. All at once the two sides rushed at each other and all I could see was blood and bodies that I couldn't help but feel were fighting because of me. Then I heard a howl of pain that made my heart stop, when I turned around I saw a grey wolf lunge at me but was body slammed by a black wolf. The grey one recover first walking over to the other wolf he leaned down and clamped his teeth around the black wolfs neck.

Screaming I ran over to the injured wolf and cradled his head in my lap. "Please don't leave me alone I love you. I love you." I can hear someone calling my name and the voice had an accent that sent tingles downs my spin and a warmth through my chest, who is that, wait why are they in my room more importantly in my bed?! Immediately I shot up in bed but came face to face with a black wolf. "Ahhh." I screamed loud enough to fall out of bed but not enough to wake up mom and dad.

When I opened my eyes I was looking at the floor then I remembered everything. The accident, the wolf, the confrontation with mom dad and the wolf and my nightmare. When I crawled back in bed star shadow was whimpering and laid on top of me when I settled down, looking over to my clock I saw it was only six am. I am one of those girls that doesn't really use make up or worry about what to wear so it only takes an hour for me to get ready and fifteen minutes to drive to school so I always left at six forty five meaning I have forty minutes to take star shadow to the park and hang out before school.

All in all school went by pretty fast and when I got home shadow dragged me outside to my favorite tree named The Owl Tree next to the house. Star shadow sat down by one of the roots sticking out and when I got close I saw a little red box wrapped in a white bow. Opening it I found a silver ring with little blue jewels in it. I'm almost scared to ask where he got it but it's probably best if I let it slide. I turned to star shadow who was looking at the ground and pawing at it until I gave him a hug to which he purred. "Thank you star shadow, I love it." My wolf is so much better than a boyfriend.

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