House Arrest.

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White. That's all I could see when I opened my eyes, and some annoying beeping that I was about ready to rip what ever keeps it alive. For a few seconds all I felt was peace and calm but like I said, a few seconds.

"When is she going to wake up?! What happened to her tell me or you won't see tomorrow!!" Some jerk yelled in my room waking me up. Hmm second thought that voice I've heard it before but I can't place it.

After a minute of listening to the mystery voice threaten someone my mind cleared up, Ryden my mate. "Hey mister 'wake people up in the hospital who are resting' you wanna quit yelling at the doctor helping my condition?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

"Nicole! I was worried sick, you and Bell have been unconscious for a week!" As soon as the first word left my mouth I was crushed in a bear hug, or more like a wolf hug.

"Well I'm awake now so you can stop giving the doc death threats, speaking of the doctor when can I be released?"

"Well everything looks good we'll just do a quick check up then you can go."

The doctor quickly walked out of the room as if trying to get us out of here as quick as possible, I wonder why, second thought question answered. Ryden and Landon were screaming at the tv at the top of their lungs watching football, and to think just a minute ago he was next to me worried out of his mind.

Bell was next to the boys trying to out-scream Landon saying she was hungry, and people thought concerts were loud, try being locked in a room with these three guarantee you will have a head ache within seconds. Finally the doctor walked in unnoticed by the three screaming musketeers.

"Have they been this wild the whole time I was asleep?"

"Oh no, Mrs. Roberts was in the same condition as you but the alpha and beta both were still screaming just not at the tv but rather me."

"You deserve a vacation if you put up with Ryden screaming this whole time."

"No need Luna. Well, everything checked out your free to go."

Thirty minutes later Bell and I were sitting on the bed in mine and Ryden's room watching Super Natural, oh the irony, the up side maybe Bell and I meet Sam and Dean the down side if we do meet them it's because their hunting our mates, pack and/or us.

Another good side Ryden and Landon have been doing what ever we want or if we say something is even smallest bit uncomfortable they immediately rush to fix it. Basically as Ryden said word for word 'your wish is my command' so we kind of abused that and made them our personal slaves.

"Bell I can't feel my legs anymore."

"You want to go swimming?"

"As much as I would love to I don't think the guys would go for it, they would probably say it's to cold out side."

"Hey we could get those Bonfire style heaters they have at the restaurants, those are cool!" I took my eyes off the tv to lean forward off the pillows and look at my 'niece' who is not related to me in anyway but will always play the part with a 'your kidding right' look. I mean it's not Bell is dumb or anything, right?

"Bell what in your right mind made you think the guys would let us surround the pool with electric heaters to go swimming in freezing weather."

"Since when do you let cold water stop you?"

"Since we got werewolf mates that would literally wolfie guard us for doing some idiotic idea of yours." I said in a 'duh' tone.

"We would just keep the heaters a couple feet back so in case they fell they wouldn't go in the pool."

"So your great plan is keeping them a safe distance away from the pool, this coming from the person who says 'just checking gravity' after falling once every thirty minutes. You do realize even if they were a couple feet back if, no, when you trip it would just pull the cord out and tumble in the pool anyway?"

"Well what's your marvelous idea Mrs. Einstein?"

"We still haven't explored the pack house this place is huge who knows what's here?"

"Everyone who lives here."

"Don't be a smart aleck I can make Ryden cut off your Mac 'n cheese supply."

"You like Mac 'n cheese as much as me."

"Yeah but one command from Ryden can make Landon hold you back as I eat the last box in front of you."

"Someone call the bad guys and tell them this is real torture."

We walked around for thirty minutes exploring and found the kitchen and game room both of which I had to drag Bell out of to which she dragged me out of the indoor and outdoor swimming pool and gym. After thirty more minutes we came to a room that had every kind of instrument made. We simultaneously looked at each other with big smiles on our face.

Walking in we saw a man with dirty blonde hair and stubble playing drums hard core. Both Bell and I shared a look before walking over to him. "Hey would you like to help us with a song?" Bell asked walking over to piano that had a microphone attached. "Sure I'd love to what instrument do you need?"

"Well you totally rocked the drums so that's perfect but just out of curiosity what all do you play?" I asked getting an electric guitar and walking to the other microphone.

"Anything and everything. What song should we do?" He asked smiling.

"Catch my breath cover by Alex Goot and ATC?" Bell asked looking at us nodding.

"Perfect I'll take Alex's part." I say leading off. We had all gotten so wrapped up we didnt notice the crowd gathering by the door including Ryden and Landon. As the last note fell everyone started clapping.

"You guys did great! I see you met my third in command, Neil Williams." Ryden said walking over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"We have, he's awesome on the drums." Bell said leaning on Landon who had his hands her hips, while I agreed leaning my head on Ryden's shoulder.

"Come on lets get you girls something to eat." As we were walking Bell and I heard wispering coming from down the hall, looking back in front of us the boys were long gone leaving us to the whispers alone.

Following the voices we came to a shelf full of old books. Knowing we should run as far away as possible, we couldn't ignore the pulls telling us to move the shelf case so we did exactly that and came face to face with an old door with ancient silver runes caved into the old wood. Slowly opening the creaky door we stepped in to the room covered in book shelves holding several scrolls and old black tapestries of the dark ages with knights, swords and pointed shields.

Hanging on the wall were several majestic stone statutes of dragon heads above each tapestry. What caught our attention the most was the stone pillar cut in half in the middle of the room that held a single scroll that looked older than the dark ages themselves.

"Nic I dont have a good feeling about this that door was hidden for a reason." "Bell that scroll was calling us, only us. This is our destiny this is what the Moon Godess told us to look for. This is our duty, now come on."

Walking forward we stopped right in front of the scroll that was written, in gold and silver, the same runes on the door. "What language do you think that is?" Bell asked beside me looking at the old parchment with wonder and awe. "I dont know it doesn't look like anything I've ever seen but somehow I can understand it."

"Well what is it." I tore my eyes away from the scroll that I felt was clearly embedded with magic and looked towards my best friend in life or death and spoke the words we had spent our lives preparing for unknowingly.

"The Great Prophecy."
This was our destiny, our win...or die trying.

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