Ástar Dreyma.

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"Nicole?" Bell asked still shocked like me after what we just read. "Yes?" "What did we just read?" "I don't know but I have a feeling we will when it's time, come on let's go back to bed for now it's probably light outside."

Once in my room I saw Ryden half asleep tossing and turning trying to find me and calling my name. "Shh I'm here, love, I just went to the bathroom." I said crawling into the bed while Ryden pulled me into his bare chest, mumbling something incoherently in my ear and nuzzling my neck making me smile and fall asleep soundly.

When I woke up again I was in bed alone, quickly taking a shower and dressing I walked down to the kitchen where Ryden, still shirtless, making pancakes. "Good morning Nicole."

For some reason my name sounded better rolling of his tongue today than any other day. Before I could stop them the words just tumbled out. "Why haven't marked me yet?"

Next thing I knew I was pushed against the wall with Ryden's hands on both sides of my hips. "Because Neil convinced me you weren't ready for that or joining the pack but I am more than willing to if your ready now."

Nodding fervently while he kissed up and down my neck stopping where my neck and shoulder met. I felt his canines tease and nip playfully at my sensitive skin under his mouth. "Ryden."

His name came out in a mix of moaning and berating only causing him to chuckle causing his chest to rumble. Once again we were interrupted, by the door bell. Sighing in frustration Ryden's head rolled back looking up at the ceiling while mine fell forward resting against his chest.

"Ugh, if that's Bell I'm going to kill her." "She's your niece, little one, you can't kill her but I can." "One: not by blood. Two: where did 'little one' come from? Three: not if I get her first."

"Little one came from those books you never stop reading, besides it's a cute nickname I'm keeping it." The long forgotten door bell was sounded, again, breaking us out of our conversation.

"I'll get it you wait here." I said walking out of the kitchen to the front of the house. I opened the door to find two black headed, werewolves, a girl my age standing on the front steps accompanied by Neil and a very handsome guy almost as hot as Ryden, almost.

"Hey I'm Taylor and thats Kia our car broke down and your third here said I could find some help here." She said breaking me out of my daydreaming. "Of course come in."

We walked back to the kitchen where Ryden had finally found the nearly extinct t-shirt. "Ill get everyone a drink." I barely heard Neil say, too caught up at looking in Kia's eyes, to notice Taylor passing Neil a small bottle that he poured in Ryden's cup.

"So do you know what happened to your car?" I asked Taylor once everyone sat down. "Our transmission may have burnt out. We'll have to book a hotel for a couple days until we can get it out of the shop."

For some reason the thought of Kia being close for a couple days made me really happy. "You could just stay here it would save you money instead of paying for a room."

I chirped happily looking at Ryden who was chugging his water down. "Wow you were thirsty." I commented. "Yeah, I dont know after the first sip it just kind of got hot. Why do you care?"

I noticed the slight bite on 'you', disturbed by his tone I let it slide, momentarily. "Well you are welcome to stay here help yourselves to anything you need Neil if you would show our guests to their room."

I said feeling a bit jealous at the thought of Kia in a relationship. "Oh we aren't together she's just a friend." "Oh my apologies. Neil please show them to their rooms while I speak with Ryden."

I said while pulling Ryden along behind me outside. I finally stopped at the clearing I first shifted at on purpose. "Ryden what is wrong with you?" "Whats wrong with me? Whats wrong with me is my mate invites anyone with a problem into MY pack house like its a bloody travelers resort." "I didnt think you would mind helping someone, my mistake alpha."

"I wouldn't expect you to understand rouge. It's a wonder why Matthew even bothered with you." Matthew... That one name made fear overcome my body. That name is the reason I'm an outcast, why I was always afraid of my own shadow.

He was the memories I had when Ryden kidnapped me, the memories I tried for years to bury, I tried to forget. Falling to my knees and tears brimming my eyes I asked, "Why would you bring him up? You know what he did to me how he hurt me why would you bring that up."

Tears were streaming down my face but Ryden just ignored my obvious distress. "You wanted to know why your parents gave you up? Because your weak, you don't deserve to breathe. Your a sorry excuse for a mate and even more so Luna."

He said before walking away leaving me sitting on the ground crying my heart out, alone. "Nicole?" I turned to see Kia walking towards me. Once he was close he hugged me causing me feel the Sparks between us stronger than what Ryden ever made me feel making me gasp and step back in surprise.

"But... How, I thought only mates-" "Nicole sit down." He said gently leading me to a tree and lifting me on to a low branch and climbing up beside me. "Nicole have you every heard of a drug called ástar dreyma?"

"No what is it." "It's an old drug that roughly translated into English means 'love illusion' it can make someone feel the mate bond even if they are not mates. Ryden used this on you that is why he had no remorse for what he just said but I am your real mate that's why the shocks are stronger. I know this is a lot to take in so here is my number," he handed me a piece of paper with numbers scribbled on it. "and when you believe me call me and I'll come get you."

He gave me a kiss on the cheek before hopping down and walking off. "I thought your car broke down." I shouted out to him. "I just needed an excuse to get close to you." He shouted just as loud as me.

Walking back I decided to check on Ryden, I walked into his study to find him locking lips with Taylor once he noticed me he, very clearly, had a hard time pulling away just to ask smirking, "Is there a reason you interrupted me, weakling?" 

I couldn't take it anymore I ran as far as I could ignoring the calls of Bella, I wonder where she's been this whole time. Running outside I pulled my phone out and called Kia. "Hello?" "Kia? I believe you now."

"I'm coming." He hung up fight before Bella body slammed me. "Nicole listen to me! We have to go back, this is a trap Neil drugged Ryden! This is what the prophecy spoke about 'malevolence will take advantage of kindness' that man earlier wasn't Ryden, Taylor admitted everything they're working for Jameson!"

She said while pulling us both back to our feet, everything finally snapped in place Kia wasn't my mate he used ástar dreyma himself he was the one pretending, but it was to late we were already surrounded by five figures hidden in the shadows.

"Well done, you are very bright Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Maryweather not so much." The first shadow said this must be the beloved Jameson. "Matthew would you do the honors?" "My pleasure."

His voice sent shivers down my spin and not the good kind either. "This is going to be just like old times Nicky." That was the last thing I heard before I felt a sting in my neck before darkness took over my vision, again, do I say stuff in my sleep, why is making me pass out everyone's favorite hobby?

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