The Past Becomes The Present On Repeat.

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I woke up with sun streaming in my eyes and someone laying beside me. I lurched forward a small scream playing on my lips causing the person beside me to jump up and cover my body with theirs and my already intense headache to worsen. "Nicole what's wrong?" Ryden asked. My bad.

"For a minute I didn't know who you were, sorry." The next moment had me curled in to a ball on Ryden's lap fisting my shirt in to my hands showing my scar after Bell and Landon Burst into the room wondering why I screamed.

"Nicole. Where did that scar come from?" Ryden asked me a deathly calm voice. "I-um-uh-he."     "Nicole calm down no ones mad at you." Normally I would take offense at Bell talking to me like I'm five and she wasn't just joking but at the moment I was scared to death.

"Remember how I told star shadow I had an ex boyfriend that scared me away from dating but I never went into details? Well, this scar holds that story." I instinctively traced my scar as Bell and Landon sat down and Ryden watched me with a calculating look.

"In the beginning I had met Matthew by the school when his car had a flat. I had offered him a ride and so on. A couple years later we started dating one day he decided we should go to the 'next level' as he said. He tried to get me in his bed but I told him we were over that I didn't want to date someone who slept with women he wasn't married to. I tried to walk out but before I could he grabbed something and hit the back of my head with it knocking me out. When I woke up again he was dragging me across a forest floor, I had several broken bones I managed to get out of his grasp and run but he caught me and pushed me down. He straddled me and pulled out a knife, he cut me enough to scar but not to kill me. At that point I lost so much blood I didn't have the energy to defend my self, he was about to rape me but Bell came out of nowhere, kicked him where the sun don't shine and kneed him in the temple making him pass out. I got several stitches in my stomach when we got to the hospital and met with the police. When they had gone to get Matthews body he was gone, they never found him. Ever since I had been afraid he would come back for me. I stayed away from everyone at school because of my trust issues and never dated because I was scared of picking another guy like Matthew."

By now I was shaking and tears were streaming down my face. Ryden walked away from the window he had been staring out of the whole time I was talking and sat by me wiping my tears away and pulling me into his chest.

"On the field yesterday, there was a man with his stomach cut open, was that Matthew?" Landon asked gently to which I nodded. "An eye for an eye a scar, for a scar." I responded getting over the blue-fang side affects.

"Now, I would like to know why Jameson has put a claim on my blood." I said joining Bell in giving Ryden a pointed look making him sigh and walk back to the window.

"Jameson wants revenge on me so he's targeting the thing I love most, my mate. Like most werewolves my mother was excited about turning seventeen because that was when she would meet her mate. She waited for thirteen years to find her mate but one day she gave up and settled down with another werewolf named Robin his mate had died years ago at first he was stable until the loss of his true mate became to much. He became abusive and one day he raped my mother and she conceived my half brother Jameson. My father had attended a meeting at the pack my mother was in when he found out about my mother he became upset that his mate had a child with another man so he took my mother away back to his pack. About thirteen years later they had me and my mother finally explained everything between her and Robin. My father went after Jameson and brought him back to live with us. My father had treated James like his own son putting aside the fact he was another's but Jameson was still jealous that I had grown up safe while he suffered our mother not being there to take the beatings for him. He became so angry he found his father and lead him to us. Using me as leverage Robin killed my father and kidnapped my mother and me. He beat and tortured me while he rapped my mother, she never conceived another punching bag for the monster. I managed to kill Robin even as a child and James hated me ever since planing his revenge. I lead my mother back to our pack and took my position of alpha that was rightfully mine but soon my mother died from losing her mate. That is why Jameson wants revenge on me. Now we are leaving to go back to the pack where both of you will be safe, get packed."

"Oh no we're not leaving. We can't just ignore the prophecy, unless we end the curse this will haunt our children I don't know about you but I certainly don't want my son fighting his brother to the death." I spoke pointing to the ground out of habit when giving a speech.

"How do you know you'll have two boys?" Bell asked to which I screamed my answer to her. "Not now Bella. We are going to break this curse if I have to do it alone!" "I will never leave you to do anything alone but if we do this who will I leave to watch over the pack."

"You have got to have someone." I basically yelled he shook his head 'no'. "Ryden has an uncle." Landon blurted making Ryden glare at him while Bell had a small smile as she kissed his cheek and I smirked and crossed my arms at Ryden.

"How convenient. Ryden you have thirty minutes to call your uncle explain what you need to and then we move out, no arguments." I said walking out the bedroom door towards the blood bath I made yesterday to scavenge weapons with Bell behind me. Right before we left we heard Landon mutter to Ryden 'dude your whipped' and Ryden's 'don't I know it'.

Thirty minutes later we were walking down a dirt road in the forest with our weapons strapped to our bodies. I had my light but strong wooden staff, like Gandalf's. Bell had her double pistols hanging off her hips and several magazines with plenty of bullets in them, like black widow in avengers, and a smirk. Landon had a bow and arrow while Ryden had a  sword hanging on his waist, no idea where they got those.

For some idiotic reason, also know as Bell's logic, she started running slow motion and forcing Landon to do the same. "Nicole come on slow mo!" "No." I said rolling my eyes but had a small, small, smile.

"Slow mo or I tell Ryden about your embarrassing moment on the baby swings at the lake." Running in slow mo is pretty fun if you take the time to do it. I pulled Ryden with me making him suffer with me as we all ran slow motion like spy's from different movies.

As we were wasting our time running slowly I stopped making everyone else stop and look at me. "Nicole what's wrong?" Bell asked pulling out her gun looking around. "Bell look at where we are."

The dirt path we were on was thickly secluded by purple/dark blue trees with leaves lightly frosted and shaped like hearts. "A forest?" She asked still not catching on. I walked over to the tree and pulled a leaf off. It wasn't cold at all in fact it felt warm but it had an layer of unmelted ice still on it.

Handing it to Bell she looked at the leaf then back at me with a small smile as recognition crossed her eyes. "Driving the savior away to the beginning of war, Back home on the path of frozen hearts." We both said at the same time.

So it begins.

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