A Part of the Family - ✔

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I don't hear from Falcone from an entire month. He calls me once, but only to get a new schedule. Jim doesn't push me to get out of the city and most importantly, Maroni doesn't try to contact me. I finally start to get a sense of peace. I make friends at work. Well, only one, and I'm not so sure I'd even call her a friend. Rachel becomes my work friend. She's the only person I enjoy spending my breaks with.

I realize that eventually, Carmine is going to call me up asking for my services. Every time those thoughts come, I push them away with fond thoughts of the present. Harvey Bullock and I get together every now and then over lunch. Jim is smiling more than I've ever seen. Maybe Falcone will forget over time, or maybe he'll find someone to replace me. At the tail-end of that rabbit trail comes the very clear promise that Falcone does not forget, and he does not care about my morals.

This is proven true at the beginning of my weekend, which clocks in at 3:30 am on Saturday morning.

A phone call wakes me from my deep slumber. I answer it without even opening my eyes, and then wonder why I even answered at all.


"Hi, Sera. I hope I didn't wake you."

A chill runs down my spine. The time has finally come. I jolt out of bed. "Hi, sir. It's no problem. I ended a shift."

"I can see that here on your schedule. It seems that you have the rest of the day off. Would you mind coming in to do a little work for me?"

I would mind, thanks.

"I can do that," I say, my nerves spiraling out of control. "When and where do you need me?"

"Fish Mooney's. I'll see you in an hour."

As soon as the phone clicks off, I make a beeline for my trash can and promptly vomit up my stomach contents.

After washing my face and re-brushing my teeth, I slip on navy scrubs and pull my shoulder-length, dirty blonde hair back into a ponytail. What medical equipment does Fish's club even have? I pack some gloves, bandages, rubbing alcohol, a stitching kit, and gauze just in case.

I climb down the stairs as quietly as possible to keep Jim from waking up. As I hit the last step, I feel the cool barrel of a gun against the back of my head. My entire body freezes in place.

"Stay right where you are." Jim flicks on the light. "Sera! Where the hell are you going?"

"Where've you been?"

"You answer first!" He holsters his weapon.

"I've been called into work," I lie. "Now, you."

"I've been out looking for Barb. She still hasn't told me where she's staying."

And immediately, I regret my harsh tone. He's been out in the freezing cold, looking for the woman he loves. When his gaze drops down to his shoes, I place a hand on his shoulder.

"I hope you find her."

"Thanks. I hope you have a good day."

He watches me pull out of the driveway, before closing the big, metal door behind him. How unusual it feels to be on my brother's side once again. I'm not sure if I can take being his opposition again. I'm also not sure if I have a say in the matter. Even despite my mixed emotion with Jim, I find it refreshing to be in the presence of danger.

Carmine is waiting for me outside Fish's club. "I'm so glad you could make it."

The place is a complete wreck. Bullet holes puncture the walls, shattered glass covers the cheap carpet. This must be where the assault took place.

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