Remedies - ✔

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I wait throughout the entire night for Penguin to show up. Of course he doesn't. Why would he? I was the one that left. He has more going for him now than ever, even without me. He has less leverage, an up-and-coming doctor, a loyal lackey. What would he need of me?

Am I to assume our relationship is over? I want him to fight for me. I want him to understand me. Before I settle in, I remember my letter from Falcone. I dig for the note beneath a large pile of papers on the table. It reads:

Dear Sera,

I apologize for having to meet you in such a way. With the circumstances, I'm afraid I had no other choice. Your relationship with Oswald has put my safety and yours at stake. I don't know if he turned you against me, or if you even care for this old man. When I put you two together on that first night, I must admit I didn't know things would escalate in this way. It was not my intention, but as our lives continued, I found my hopes rising that you two would end up together.

I want to give you and your brother my sincerest condolences. It's not very often that children lose their parents so young. You have known a loss unlike most others, and for that I am deeply sorry. This city rarely leaves anyone unscathed.

Your father was a good man and your mother was the kindest woman I'd ever met. Even after your father's death, she called me once a month to make sure I was still around. I cannot thank you enough for allowing me into your life, Sera Gordon. It has truly been a blessing on my life.

You love more passionately than anyone I've known. You have compassion for the broken and dirty people of the world. That is a rare, beautiful gift. I can only believe that Penguin sees that in you as well. I understand that your brother's praise is not far behind yours, but this letter is to you.

You have my number. Please call me if you ever need anything.


Carmine Falcone

Tears stain my cheeks when I finish. This letter is a physical reminder of who I really am. This is who I am without Penguin or Jim's influence. I might not have my hands, but I am still worth everything I was prior to the accident. I will figure out where I belong, again.

When dawn rises over the jagged horizon, I give up my emotion. If Oswald wants to fix this, he will know where to find me. If not, then I will learn how to move on.

My dreams consist of the same nightmares I've had for almost three months. I relive the torture. I relive the abuse. Then I wake in a cold sweat and scars.

"Sera? Sera!"

I gasp, realizing the voice isn't from my dreams. I answer the door in a groggy haze.

First I register the flowers, then the suit, and lastly his face.

"Can I help you?" I must look horrible.

He doesn't bother with formalities. "I came here to apologize. It's funny I— I had this long speech prepared, but I won't say any of that. I'm just going to say that I'm sorry for hurting you."

I'm tempted to shut the door. Look at him! He's pitiful. He's controlling, manipulative, and homicidal on top of it all.

I let him in. "You almost killed my brother. He's all I have left."

"I know. I should've— I should've at least let you know ahead of time. Jim doesn't let me get off with a free pass, so I'm not planning on extending the same hand to him. I'm sorry for the position that puts you in." He sets the bouquet on my table. "I'm sorry. I won't allow things to go that way ever again."

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