Twenty-Three - ✔

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My brother takes over the situation. Theo Galavan is escorted to the precinct for a statement. Barbara Kean is long gone. Alfred takes Bruce to the EMTs. I undo Lee's restraints.

She leans against my shoulder to let out a few terrified tears. She shakes, too. Not nearly as much as I am.

Jim joins us in the plethora of ambulances and government agents. He embraces both of us.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes," we answer in unison, though it's very clear that neither of us came out unscathed.

Lee is hesitant to go anywhere without the watchful gaze of her boyfriend. However, she agrees to be looked over by a paramedic for any internal damage.

I'm losing complete control of my hands. They tremor violently. They shake so hard that both of my arms shake with them.

Jim secures my hands in his own. "Do you have anything you can take for this?"

"No," I say breathlessly, "I'm fine. It's the stress from everything. I'll be alright."

He's not convinced, so he pulls me close. That's all it takes. Fear and sorrow pour from my eyes. I was prepared to die. I was ready for it.

"I'm sorry that in all twenty-three years of your life, I haven't been able to protect you once. I should've been a better brother to you."

My fear silences. The waves of sorrow calm.

"You're the best brother anyone could have."

Jim has to help me wipe my eyes on a tissue. "Likewise."

Butch runs up, practically knocking my brother over to get to me. "Thank god you're alive. I was so worried about you."

"I'm alright." I put on my bravest smile. "I think I'm ready to go."

"I need to get back to Lee," Jim says. "I'm only a phone call away, Sera."

Butch bombards me with endless questions for the entire ride back to the mansion. I can tell he's caring about me, but I can't deal with them right now.

Oswald, Loren, and a whole gang of men are preparing to infiltrate the Wayne charity when we pull up.

"We saw it on the news. We were going to come get you, Sera!"

Oswald dismisses his men. "Did he hurt you?"

"I'm okay." Though, I obviously don't look or feel like it. I'm unable to even open the door to my car, or embrace either of my closest friends. "I want out of this dress, now."

Loren follows me up to my room. She unzips my dress and helps me wipe off the glamour from the night. "I think you should see a real doctor, Sera. You need to get evaluated at a psychiatric office. Your tremors are horrible."

She turns as I put on pajama pants and a tank top.

"It's just stress, Loren. I'll be perfectly fine after a good night's rest."

"When was the last time you had a good night's rest? And what did you tell Jim when he got back from war, huh?"

I told him the same thing she's telling me. In fact, Barbara and I forced him into an evaluation. He didn't stick with it, but I did. For two years after my father's death, I went to weekly therapy. I was in the happiest place mentally and physically that I've ever been. Still, I decide to argue.

"This isn't the same thing. I'm not a soldier."

Loren grabs my arm. "Aren't you? You can't tell me that. You were in the middle of a gang war! Your boyfriend is a mass murderer and the current leader of the mob, your mom has just died, and Jim doesn't approve anything you do! You are in the middle of a war, Sera."

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