Lost Things - ✔

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Walking into Oswald's club is like stepping back into a dream. I've returned to that first night when I visited the club by myself. A multitude of personas push past us and I've never felt so small. He breaks away for a minute to chat with his bartender.

This euphoric feeling fades when he returns and points out my brother, who's sitting in a booth.

"He brought Lee," he says.

"I didn't know this was supposed to be a double-date."

That puts a smile on his face.

I slide in first to face Lee. Jim sits across from Oswald. She and I exchange nervous greetings and have a quick mental conversation about how awkward this whole thing really is.

Oswald is constantly darting his eyes away from our table.

My brother notices it immediately. "What's got you so worried, Penguin?"

"Nothing. As the owner of this establishment, I like to make sure everything's working as it should."

The four of us order drinks and meals. Cobblepot offers to pay for dinner, of course. For once, Jim doesn't argue. After placing our orders, I understand that it's my chance to speak up. I've made up my mind.

"I've made my decision."

"And I've made mine," he interrupts. "Let me be clear that I will never approve of this situation. I think you're one wrong move away from getting killed. You're walking the line of light and dark. I believe one day, you must choose what side you want to be on but I will not be the one to force you to make that choice."

All three of us are stunned.

"And I will never understand your need to be with this—" he motions to Oswald— "person, but I won't keep you from him anymore. Lee and I had a long talk about it."

I'm not even sure what to say. We've both been so concerned with the law that we've lost touch with our bond. Love is separate from what Jim and I been consumed with. He and I forgot that we're the only ones left.

He's offering me a pardon when I definitely don't deserve it. That's what family is.

"Thank you, Jim. If you want, I won't bring you into our business if you don't want to hear it."

"Relevant things only, please. I'm still a mandated reporter."

"I want to hear about it." Leslie pipes in. "I think it's cool how there are Gordons on both sides of Gotham."

"There's another thing we have to discuss," my brother says. "Mom."

The light mood is lost. Our smiles disappear.


"Are we going to keep her until we can't pay for it anymore?"

I don't want to make this decision. What would she say if she could see what I've become? Would she still remember me as the good little girl I was? "I'm not sure."

Lee provides guidance. "I know I don't need to tell you that her brain activity has stopped. She's practically gone."

"But not entirely," Penguin says. "I wouldn't do it."

I know he wouldn't. He'd keep Gertrud on life support until he was on his death bed. After a few more minutes of debating the consequences, we come to a conclusion.

"It's time."

"Let's do it tomorrow."

"Will you be there?" I ask.

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