Chapter 13

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Chapter 13:

That didn’t happen… it was all one big scary dream! Werewolves don’t exist! I’m going mad! Maybe I should go see a doctor, no! This is all a dream I’m going to wake up and none of this happened…everything’s fine.

My head is pounding. The room is so quiet, I feel someone rubbing my one hand and someone on my other side holding my other hand. The hands are big, rough and warm. Oh God. I slowly open one eye to look at whoever is holding my hands,

“Ah sleeping beauty is awake, I was beginning to think one of us was going to have to give you a kiss to get you to wake up,” Tyler says. “And that one would be me of course!” Talon says next to me kissing my hand.

“Ummm no thanks, you saw what I did to you out there? Come anywhere near my face with those lips and I will do MUCH worse. How long have I been out?” I ask them.

They chuckle, “about two hours love,” Tyler says.

“Oh shit, I’m supposed to let my mom know I arrived! I gotta get going, it’s gonna get dark soon!” I say as I start to get up. Alex rushes into the room and comes over to the bed where I was lying giving me a tight hug.

“Oh my God Lexi I was so worried about you! Please don’t hate me, I thought James would of explained everything to you! I didn’t know you didn’t know about us, but when I saw how scared you were when dumb-ass over here turned in front of you I knew you didn’t know!” she says as she starts to cry on my shoulder.

“It’s okay Alex, please don’t cry, can you help me understand what’s going on? I’m so confused? Am I dreaming? “I say more to myself than her.

The boys start laughing and Alex lets out a giggle as well, this cheers me up a bit, damn Blackwood woman are emotional. “No honey, you’re not dreaming, I’ll explain everything tonight, I hope you don’t mind but I sent your mom a message from your phone saying that you will be sleeping over? I’m guessing she thinks you’re at a friend’s house right? And I don’t want you driving in the dark alone - especially after you fainted, “she says as she could read my mind.

“Yeah, I’m sorry. I didn’t want to tell her about you just yet. Thought it might bring up old memories about dad and I can’t see her go through that pain again just when she’s starting to get better, you know?”

“Of course honey, I was hoping you wouldn’t tell her. I just didn’t want to be a reminder to her of my brother you know, but with you it’s different. I want to get to know you ,I’m just so sorry I wasn’t around for your childhood, you’re already a young woman and you’re just so beautiful… I’ve missed 17 years of your life! I wish we did things differently…. “She whispers as tears fall down her face.

“Please don’t cry, I’m so happy I met you, you are my only aunt and apart from mom you are my only other family, “I say as I give her another hug.

“Now you have all of us as your family Lexi,” I hear Talon say, “Can we join the group hug?” Tyler comments as they come closer. Alex and I start laughing as they surround us and squeeze us between them.

They release me and ask me to come down to join the bonfire. Alex holds my hand as she walks me down towards the kitchen; she’s tall like dad was. What the hell happened to me? Why am I such a shorty? Alex and I look alike apart from her being tall and my pale skin; our features are the same as well as our greeny-blue eyes and dimples. I’m like a miniature version of Alex. I’m still nervous and quite scared to be honest, they just told me they were werewolves and I saw one of them turn.

As we get closer to the bottom stairs I hear people talking and it makes me REALLY nervous, Alex obviously senses it and she puts her arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer into her side. She has a motherly touch, a touch that I miss too much.

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