Chapter 18

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We walk into the busy bar and we head to a table near the stage that seems to be playing a band that’s signing Bon Jovi covers quite well actually. Ronny grabs this tall man that’s wearing a tight black vest that shows all his muscles with dark jeans. He has shaved spiked black hair with some grey hairs on the sides, with tanned skin just like Ronny.

She pulls him around so he’s facing me, “Dad this is Lexi!” Ronny says. Oh this is her father; yeah no doubt he’s scary looking!

I pull out my hand to shake his “Hi, it’s nice to meet you-“ he moves my hand away and pulls me in for a big hug and I can see Ronny laughing behind her father at me .

”Oh nonsense! Give me a hug, I know so much about you, your practically my long lost daughter!” I laugh at him.

”You can call me Uncle Mike, okay Lex?”  I nod and he pulls me through the crowd toward a table.

“Charles, Alice, meet Lexi, Lexi this is Drakes parents.“ I look at the couple and they look quite young. Drake's father looks like an older version of Drake but I think Drake might be a bit taller. Drakes mom is one of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, she has a short blond bob and I can see where Drake gets his dimples, she is short but taller than me of course.

Alice squeals and give me a hug, “It’s so nice to finally meet you! I’m so happy you and Drake are together, your absolutely beautiful Lexi!”

“Yes you most certainly are! It’s good to meet you love, we have heard so much about you!” Charles says to me as he also gives me a big hug.

“I'm so happy to meet everyone finally–“ I stop talking when I feel someone tugging on my dress. I look down to see a little blond boy with the most beautiful brown eyes ….must be Drakes younger brother.

I bend down so that I’m eye level with him, “and who might you be?” I ask the boy.

“I’m Donawin, are you the bewtiful Lexi?” he asks me, I giggle at his cute pronunciation of his words.

“Yip that’s me! The one and only beautiful Lexi.” I smile at him and hear the people around me laugh, I always wanted siblings but mom said one was enough.

“Come Lexi, let me go introduce you to Jackson’s parents, they are dying to meet you!” Alice comes and puts her arm through mine guiding me through the crowd. I watch Charles pick up his son and hold him close.

“Frankie, Scarlet, this here is the one and only beautiful Lexi, “ I laugh at her repeat of Donavon and my words. She laughs with me.

Frankie is tall and good looking just like his son, he’s the same height as Jax and also has long hair like, but his hair is in a small pony bun. He’s quite big built like his son and you can see the muscles in his arms through his shirt. He looks like he’s part of the mafia or something.

The way he presents himself oozes authority and power and I can’t help but be a little scared. This time he’s the first to pull me into a big bear hug and swing me around, he laughs as I squeal. He puts me down and I can see everyone else’s face look surprised at what he just did. From the way Jax talked about his father, I thought he was an uptight, strict emotionless zombie or something but he seems fine to me.

His mom is next to hug me, she also is so beautiful but she has a tanner skin, she’s tall with long dark wavy hair.

She whispers in my ear, “I’m thrilled to finally meet you; Jackson has told me all about you. My boy is quite obsessed with you my dear and I can see why, you are absolutely stunning!” she beams.

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